Posted on May 1, 2018
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Responses: 70
SPC Training Room Nco
SSG (Join to see), Shame on you and your blasphemy! Hahahaha

PV2 J M The answer is simple. Who is the warfighter and who is the Support? Infantrymen (11B) are the primary combatant force of the military. Cavalry Scouts (19D) are nothing more than hilltop observers. They "creep" up in their moderately armored BFV, watch the enemy, and then call the warriors into battle. The Infantryman is the knife in the dark and the nightmare to the evil at heart. The Cavalry are Peeping Toms.
SPC Training Room Nco
SPC (Join to see)
3 y
SPC Doug Donelson yet, even in all of that, despite all the buried friends and brothers, you have yet to articulate why the hell you have a right, reason or the audacity to get on my JOKE of a comment, sharing in the rivalry that I and so many other adore, and spew you pissy attitude. You drunk right now, guy?
SPC Doug Donelson
SPC Doug Donelson
3 y
SPC (Join to see) You were in diapers when I was in Bosnia.
SPC Training Room Nco
SPC (Join to see)
3 y
SPC Doug Donelson good for you dude. That doesn't make you look impressive, just because you're old. Nor does it make even a lick of difference to me. Nor does it give you the right to jump on anyone's comment and act like a jackass. So kindly remove yourself from the room
MSG Thomas Currie
MSG Thomas Currie
2 h
That's why Cavalry is the choice for economy of force operations... a job that requires an infantry battalion is handled by a Cavalry platoon.
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MAJ Corporate Buyer
Any Questions?
SSG Mike Busovicki
CW2 Electronic Warfare Technician
CW2 (Join to see)
6 y
Once again, the term grunt is from Vietnam meaning General Replacement UN Trained. It does not, in fact, mean Infantry. So there's that.

As for a picture of a CIB, that really cleared up the discussion for the young recruit. A badge that is worth the same amount of points as a CIB and CMB and means the same thing. Well what about Riggers, they get a badge just for finishing AIT?
MAJ Corporate Buyer
MAJ (Join to see)
6 y
CW2 (Join to see) - The term grunt may in fact stand for that but it's no secret that it applies to infantrymen. How it came to be that way, I don't know. But that's where we are today.

As for the CIB, anyone in the Army should know a question like this would spark a back-and-forth between 11's and 19's. It's all in good fun. This young recruit got plenty of good answers to his question as well as an insight into how the different MOS' handle rivalry. Again, all in good fun. I served with just about every MOS overseas and was supported by the rest. We all know it takes everyone doing their job. BUT, the Infantry is and will always be the main effort that everyone else is supporting. That's not a slam on anyone else. It's just the way the Army is designed.
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Cav guys roll around with very questionable headgear, and think they are cooler for it.
Infantry guys walk around everywhere, bitch about it, then brag about how tough they are to anyone who will listen.
MSG Steve Wiersgalla
MSG Steve Wiersgalla
>1 y
SPC (Join to see) - Not following your logic in the last comment. But oh well. Just remember there are many of us that bled blue before you were a shot in the dark. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt and CIB. Had more years as a grunt so I know both sides.
MAJ Doug Mattox
MAJ Doug Mattox
>1 y
In response to the tanker comment. If the infantry motto is follow me, why do the infantry guys/gals always get behind the tanks?
Cpl Vic Eizenga
Cpl Vic Eizenga
>1 y
MAJ Doug Mattox - we don't tanks could not go where we were.
SSG Mike Busovicki
SSG Mike Busovicki
>1 y
MAJ Doug Mattox - Hell, even us Grunts know that tanks help prevent lead poisoning when out on the two-way live fire range :)
But you can't clear rooms or snatch-n-grab high value targets (enemy prisoners) sitting in an iron box. But we do appreciate the security tanks provide when doing the precision work in person...
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