Responses: 9
I guess it was the rule that he was flagged for not meeting body fat standards, but this is one occasion when I think the intent of the "law" (rule) should trump the letter of the law. This post reminds me of that other discussion thread on RallyPoint (and in life) ... Do you want a 98-pound weakling trying to carry you to safety if the feces hits the fan? Or would you prefer a six-foot 200+ pounder? I vote for the bigger guy. Just sayin'.
Was he not in uniform? So what was the problem. You didn't have a problem using his services when you needed him. Now your done with him and now he's to heavy. Asinine! Give him what he deserves.
HT/Wt and APFT can be waived while downrange. Command discretion. Honestly, I don't see denying an award due to Ht/WT in a combat zone. A bullet doesn't discriminate between a small person or a big person.
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