Posted on Jan 9, 2014
So I have come down on Orders for Okinawa, anyone there now have some good tips to help prepare us.
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 3
Congrats! Okinawa may be the best kept secret in the Army! My family and I had a blast there. It's very family oriented. Without knowing your pinpoint assignment, I'd recommend checking the 10th Regional Support Group website. They're the Army component command for the island. Best of luck!

Headquartered at Camp Zama, Japan, United States Army Japan and I Corps (Forward) serves as the Army component command in support of the defense of Japan; as a forward deployed command post it is prep...
SFC (Join to see)
Thank you, we are really excited to get there, yeah my orders say 10th reg supt grp
1SG(P) (Join to see)
They may just be who you're reporting to. You may actually be assigned to a different unit.
SSG (Join to see)
I agree with SFC Callan. Okinawa is a great place for a duty assignment. Was there from 99-02.
SFC Nees, there are a few Army units here on Okinawa. Your name doesn't sound familiar, so I don't think you're coming to 1-1 ADA.

But, feel free to checkout our page - it has quite a few links that you'll find helpful.

Headquartered at Camp Zama, Japan, United States Army Japan and I Corps (Forward) serves as the Army component command in support of the defense of Japan; as a forward deployed command post it is prep...
SFC Nees, thanks for posting this. We have 180+ RallyPoint members who are CURRENTLY assigned to units in Okinawa. I would strongly advise that you also connect with some of them and ask them about transitioning there, the best units, etc. I'll include the link below.

Best of luck with your new assignment, and please post more questions here if you have them!

Join members of Okinawa, Japan on RallyPoint, home of 1st BN, Okinawa, USNDC Okinawa, USNH Okinawa, 10th RSG
CPT Aaron Kletzing
SFC Nees, I just looked at the Okinawa, Japan page here on RP (the one I linked to previously) and we have a ton of Army SFCs there. I would recommend inviting them to connect with you on RP, and then chatting with them about tips, etc. Good luck, brother!
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