Posted on Apr 17, 2018
Can I reclass after 2 years of service? Does the time in service includes date of original enlistment?
I am starting my second year into my MOS and I am looking into reclassing. Is 2 years too early to start the process? I did not take the bonus, I just took advantage of the students loan repayment plan and the GI kicker. How do I start the ball rolling on my packet? I did have a great score on the Asvab, but with the two year limit on the test , should I retake it?
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 3
In my experience you would have to re-enlist to re-class. Your current time in service matters less than the amount of time you would have left in your new MOS.
If you took a student loan plan, you would have to check to see if the loan was based on your current MOS for so many years of service in that MOS and unit. Your Unit or BN retention NCO or possibly Unit Admin should be able to answer these questions.
SFC Port
SFC Port
Hello SPC,
What reasons are you going to re-class? Are you Active or Reserves, are you changing units or does your chain of command support your Reclass?
SFC Port
What reasons are you going to re-class? Are you Active or Reserves, are you changing units or does your chain of command support your Reclass?
SFC Port
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