Posted on Apr 17, 2018
Has anyone gone back onto active duty and had to reclassify?
Going back on active duty from reserves. Paperwork all completed, just waiting for approval to go to MEPS. Due to business rules I will have to reclass. Will MEPS be able to tell me where first duty station will be or will I have to wait until school to find out? Anyone gone through the prior service process recently?
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 9
When I went back on active duty the surge was about to start in Iraq. Coming directly from AR to RA required me to go thru a grade determination where I lost a rank e6-E5. Kept the same Primary though as it was needed. Ensure that you ask probing questions concerning your last status, have all PS docs with you(DD214/15) discharge orders. Recruiters office will pull the HRC records.
I just did. I was a 19d getting out and had an h2 profile. Well going back in I couldn't go back as a 19d so I was forced to re class I chose 91m so I still have a chance to be in the cav world..
SPC Joshua Blackburn
Also as for the last part of your question no meps won't be able to tell you where you first ds will be you will get those orders half way through your school house training
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