Posted on Apr 13, 2018
SPC Allied Trades Specialist
Currently doing my 9th month at fort Lee, Fully graduated and waiting on orders at the moment , recently I have seen a surge of plt sgts becoming Drill sgts due t9 the new army tradoc standard . Do you think this will fix the lack of discipline ? Or open up a bunch of new problems
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Responses: 14
1SG Visual Information Operations Chief
No! Tradoc 350-6 states how should AIT soldier should be treated. So, campaign hat or not, it will not.

Additionally, a Sergeant that embodies the spirit NCO Corps will always instill discipline and standards. So, if you uave a shitty Sergeant as a Platoon Sergeant or Drill Sergeant he is still a shitty Sergeant. The AIT PSG or DS position will only amplify it.

Note: I Am AIT PSG volunteering to convert as a DS because I believe we need solid NCOs for these positions.
PFC Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
PFC (Join to see)
7 y
SFC, I just read some portions of the Tradoc And I must say the rules have changed from my IET process. 15 Minutes to eat During Basic Traininng? I think our whole Company made it through the DFAC in 15 Minutes from arrival to out the door, On the way to chow you had to line up in front of Pull Up bars behind the Co. Area, Do pullups. pushups and some flutter kicks. Eat as fast as possible without choiking and then double time it back to the Co. Area for a Company Wide Smoking. I was allowed 2 phone calls one to say I arrived and a 2nd to wish my mother a Happy Mothers Day.

AT AIT we were told this is an extension to Basic Training until you show us that you have the capabilties of being a Soldier. About 4 Weeks limited privledges amd then Privledges were allowed for Passes till 2100 Formation, Weekend Passes on Post then Off Post. The Instructors where strict, and didn't think twice about delivering correctional training if you were falling asleep or ignoring them in class. IF you were failing PT, or not meeting the Standards of the course you were subject to remedial training. If those failed then you were subject to seperation under the AR pertaining to IET Chapter Seperations for failure to adapt to military standards.
1SG Visual Information Operations Chief
1SG (Join to see)
7 y
If only all NCOs would take the time to do that, but most dont.
SFC Maintenance Supervisor
SFC (Join to see)
7 y
SFC Cedeño,
You took the words out of my mouth. It's not the hat that will mske a difference. It's the NCO.
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PFC Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
I Had Drill Sergeants during AIT. I went to the last 91B Field Medic Course before the transition to the 91W then 68W course. We had phases just like AIT a Red Phase and a Yellow Phase. It was actually conducted in a ceremony.

During Red Phase it was like Blue Phase in Basic Training. You were restricted, The Drill Sergeants had high expectations of you but you had some liberties to include daily phone time, on the Pay Phones access to the Day Room and return to bunks for lights out at 2100.

After 4 weeks of that, those of us who had passed our PT Test, had acceptable grades in class and no problems with basic soldiering abilities, (on time, right uniform, properly shaved) we had privileges to include cell phone use, weekend passes and access to Post Activities. while in civilian clothing.

Campaign Hat or Not, its up to the NCO's to lead the way for the Soldiers. If you have laxed leadership the Soldiers will follow suit. Just because the Platoon SGT decides to change his head gear doesn't make him personally any different.

What needs to happen is During AIT Leaders should be developing soldiers through a crawl walk run phase to meet the expectations of them when they reach their respective Duty Stations. You start soldiers off on the right foot, with how to start their Army Career. and the rest will fall in place.
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SFC Dan Sorrow, M.S.
The hidden elephant in the room isn’t really about Drill Sergeants vs Platoon Sergeants. Upper echelons of command like to point the fingers at the lower levels as the problem, but they seldom look in the mirror and asked what they could do better. Having been a Drill Sergeant from 1989-1991 and most of that in an AIT environment, the chain of command sets the climate for acceptable soldiering and behavioral issues. Some company commanders were tough as nails and set very high achievable standards. Drill Sergeants had very few disciplinary issues to deal with because the soldiers knew the COC wouldn’t tolerate undisciplined behaviors. Another company commander and 1SG took over and they set an entirely different climate. One of being overly caring towards the IET soldiers and very little trust of the Drill Sergeants. We had no idea why that was as we’d always had top company awards, very high graduation rates, and few, if any, Field Grade AR 15’s and Chapter’s. Unfortunately, the incoming COC lasted about 4 months before the CO and 1SG were relieved. During those 4 months, it was hell. Soldierization was basically nonexistent. PT was more or less optional as nothing happened to repeat offenders (and they knew it). Sure, we could yell and do other Drill Sgt things to try and get them back in order and under control, but the CO and 1SG didn’t have our backs. We, as a group, went to the BN CSM. Once he and the BN CDR got involved, the CO and 1SG were history.

Here’s the point, contrary to the notion that Drill Sergeants can walk on water and shit ice cream (which I’m not saying is impossible), but the entire chain of command needs a closer look if NCO’s as a whole aren’t achieving or appearing to achieve expected results.
1SG Visual Information Operations Chief
1SG (Join to see)
7 y
This is my exact sentiment. It comes down to the Company and BN leadership.
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