Posted on Apr 12, 2018
TSgt Cyber Systems Operations
I have been at my first duty station for 5+ years now, and I have been actively trying to PCS. I have vol'd for Korea for the past 8 cycles, and have vol'd for 3 deployments, have gone on none. I have PCA'd twice now though, however I was told that would not restart my ToS. Any tips or help would be greatly appreciated.
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Responses: 74
COL Deputy G2
I’ve been stationed in DC area since 2001. One year I was in three different posts in the same year. A tip for getting PCSed out. Start doing a crappy job. Usually if you do good work they keep you around.
CPO Leading Chief Petty Officer (Lcpo)
CPO (Join to see)
>1 y
Sadly this is both depressing and correct. But can hurt you in the long run.
SGT Information Management Office (Imo)
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
That's pretty much the definition of shamming. Do bad enough so they want you gone, but good enough that you get nothing worse than a paper counsel, won't follow you when you leave.
1SG Angelo Villavicencio
1SG Angelo Villavicencio
>1 y
I had a fantastic career and truly enjoyed every one of my assignments. My last assignment at Hickam AFB, HI was 4 ½ years with two OEF/OIF deployments.
LTC Christopher B.
LTC Christopher B.
>1 y
Moved 19 times in 22 years and two combat (one year each) tours in Vietnam.
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SSgt M B
I was stuck at Altus AFB for 10 years. TEN. YEARS. Volunteered for Korea, world wide remote, everything. The only way I got out of that black hole was to separate. I got my soul back when I left.
MSgt Don VandeBogert
MSgt Don VandeBogert
>1 y
Call me crazy, I really enjoyed my time at Altus ('10 - '13). Mind you, I was there when the shuttered the BX, but noone really shopped there anyway. Clothing sales ended up in the shoppette/Class 6. The only issue I had there was leaderships "headquarters isn't boots on the ground" mentality and dealing with them when they just don't want to follow the (any) AFI. Other than that, the family and I loved it.

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SPC Christopher Combs
Had a 1SG who spent 22 years at Ft Drum started, he moved from unit to unit since he was a commo guy. I asked him before I left if he ever regretted spending all his time at Drum, he said not many people can have children and have them spend the first 18 years of their life at one place when a parent is in the military. He said that he wouldn’t change a thing since it never seemed to hamper his career. Far as I know he retired and still loves in that area around Drum.
LCDR Retired
LCDR (Join to see)
>1 y
I can understand that, since I was born and raised outside of Carthage, NY. I spent much of my time wandering around the 1600 square miles of forest, hills, lakes, and rivers. I loved the hunting and fishing. Now this 75 year old man lives out in rural Ohio.
MSG Dan Castaneda
MSG Dan Castaneda
>1 y
I've been at Fort Bragg for 21 years straight and will ultimately do 23 total. I agree with your 1SG. All four of my children were born in the same hospital ranging from 14-4. I too plan to stay here once I retire. I've lived here so long, its my home now.
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