Posted on Apr 9, 2018
SFC S2 Intelligence Ncoic
So, since my last NCOER in Sept I have PCS'd to Hood. I PCS'd in January and reported to the replacement battalion on 9 Feb, not arriving at my unit until shortly after. However, there was some kind of goof up on where I was to be placed. I am now in limbo with a report date of 15 April to the unit around the corner from where I am at now. I have no rater and am pretty much just hanging out until the 15th. What type of NCOER am I supposed to receive come September 2018? Extended Annual? Please help.
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Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 3
SFC S3 Operations Ncoic
It should now be an extended annual.
You should have not left your last unit without an NCOER. Your last one was in September, and you PCSd in January, that is between 4 and 5 months, plenty of time for a NCOER. I would honestly be asking for one from them before you get to your next unit.
SFC S2 Intelligence Ncoic
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Well, my last NCOIC PCS'd to Italy. Yourvsayibg I should ask him to write me up one for September to January?
SFC S3 Operations Ncoic
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
It should have been done, and I would. I understand that people get busy, but it is only right to provide proper feedback on a Soldier's work performance. Either way, you're still going to get an extended annual, or you'll get a complete the record in December for the board next year.
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SGT Joseph Gunderson
I'm almost positive that it will just be an extended annual report. There isn't really anything else that can be done unless it is just unrated time and that never looks good. I would just make sure that they fold the time spent at the replacement battalion into your first annual.
SGT Joseph Gunderson
SGT Joseph Gunderson
>1 y
Yeah, I've never had one and never had to write one either. I think that it starts when you finally get to the unit and it just covers the time that you spent at the replacement battalion. So your new thru date will be different for this next NCOER. Don't quote me on that, but I'm pretty sure. You can double check the Extended Annual section of AR 623-3 for clarification.
SFC S2 Intelligence Ncoic
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Big help, man. Thanks a lot.
SGT Joseph Gunderson
SGT Joseph Gunderson
>1 y
Yeah, no prob bro
SGT Joseph Gunderson
SGT Joseph Gunderson
>1 y
Ummm Para. 3-42(a) makes it sound like that would work just fine...
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SFC Nelson Munford
It sounds like you have a good hunk of non-rated time. I believe you need to be assigned/supervised by you rater for 90 days before an NCOER is rendered except if a "special" NCOER is warranted.
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