Posted on Apr 7, 2018
SGT Jennifer Rixe
Do you currently have a formal mental health diagnosis or believe that you have mental health symptoms but have not been formally diagnosed?

If you are a veteran and have a mental health diagnosis or believe you have mental health symptoms but have not been formally diagnosed then you may qualify to be a part of a research study conducted in Tacoma, Washington through the University of Washington.
Research is being conducted by Masters in Social Work, Graduate student, Jennifer Rixe and Dr. Charles Emlet, Faculty Sponsor for educational purposes. The goal of this research project is to attempt to uncover more of the "why" as well as dig a little deeper into noted gaps in research by exploring the following question: What have been the experiences of veterans accessing (availability, acceptability, and accessibility) mental health care over time, and are there experiences and/or barriers to accessing treatment that are unique to veterans from different eras?

We are in need of participants who fit the following criteria:
1. Must be a veteran
2. Must have dates of service between 1955 – 2018
3. Must have a formal mental health diagnosis or belief that they have mental health symptoms but have not received a formal mental health diagnosis
4. Must be willing to be interviewed for the purpose of research

All information shared will be kept confidential and treated with the upmost care and respect given the sensitive nature of this topic.
*If you would like to participate in this research project, please email me through Rally Point email and I will give you my school contact information from there.
Posted in these groups: 0845aaaa Mental Health
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 22
SSgt Terry P.
Edited >1 y ago
SGT Jennifer Rixe Diagnosed with PTSD in 1999 or 2000---still have problems after almost 20 years,maybe if diagnosed and received some treatment 25 years earlier might have made some difference in my life. Semper Fi
SGT Jennifer Rixe
SGT Jennifer Rixe
>1 y
SSG Terry Pride, I sent you a private message!
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TSgt David L.
Some have called us EOD Techs crazy! LOL
Not the direction you're going for though! Hahaha
SGT Jennifer Rixe
SGT Jennifer Rixe
>1 y
CPT (Join to see) - You have given me such great information!! Thank you! I didn't even see this post until today, I appreciate you taking the time to write this out!! I will give it a go and see if anyone is interested. I've worked with Rangers and SF in the past, they definitely are some interesting people!! I think you have to be in order to do the work that they do.
CPT Special Forces Officer
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
I believe the adjustment disorders may arise from having to be so vigilant and careful during actual combat operations. Once they lay down the sword, they expect their world to be much more predictable. When it isn't, they may encounter difficulties coping.
SGT Jennifer Rixe
SGT Jennifer Rixe
>1 y
Agreed. I have said it in a different comment but it's worth repeating, I believe the war for many doesn't really start until they come home. That is why I chose this topic in particular to research, to understand what some of the barriers are for those who need help actually face when looking for help... majority of the research article that I have come across when preparing to do my own study has suggested that stings of seeking mental health services is one of the biggest barriers.
SGT Jennifer Rixe
SGT Jennifer Rixe
>1 y
*stigma is one of the biggest barriers... darn autocorrect lol
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MSgt Stephen Council
Edited >1 y ago
SGT Jennifer Rixe At the risk of being "Too Candid", I would NEVER post any statistics on my mental health or lack thereof. We see veterans having their rights subsumed by the VA and government far to often (and to be clear, once is too often) just because they have a "mental issue". I will never answer questions about my mental or physical wellbeing publicly. Thanx for your information, but I just thought you should know how at least on retired veteran feels about this issue.
SGT Jennifer Rixe
SGT Jennifer Rixe
>1 y
SSG Dave Johnston I truly appreciate your insight and thank you for your service. My research team really only consists of myself and my professor - I am fully prepared to hear the perspectives of other veterans, anything that they feel comfortable sharing - I believe that the way some of those who have witnessed or partaken in any of the atrocities down range would means of coping with the constant reminder that will generally stay with them the rest of their lives, some in healthy ways, some not so much -some are able to move on with their lives and others aren't that lucky. My intent isn't to dig into the what they have seen or experience - sure hearing their stories and meeting them where they are at is part of the process, however, my intent is to see where the barriers are (if any) to accessing the care that they may need or to hear why they aren't seeking care if they are not. I would love to hear anything that veterans from your generation have to say regarding their perspective on how to cope and manage life after war.... heck, some folks live with mental health issues that never have seen combat. Any little bit that I can give back to those who are suffering is what my intent is with this project. I took an oath to do no harm.... that's why this has been blanketed as a voluntary study. It won't be published, but hopefully some time in the future I might be able to do some good to our brothers and sisters in arms... that's all I want to do.
SGT Jennifer Rixe
SGT Jennifer Rixe
>1 y
I must apologize, typing without my glasses on was not the best idea when responding!
MSgt Stephen Council
MSgt Stephen Council
>1 y
SGT Jennifer Rixe - Just to be clear, one doesn't have to be "down range" to have witnessed atrocities or to have perpetrated violence and death upon the enemy. I have done things that I live with and cope with in my own way every day. I have been the responsible party on at least one unfortunate mission (likely more). I live and deal with it daily and chose not to seek care or counsel due to the threat of our newly "woke" state and its propensity to limit veteran's rights if they admit to any minor or major weakness either actual or imagined by the "state" (I am looking at the VA and the protocols put in place by our former "community organizer in chief" on this one). I think you will find this attitude pervasive among my generation of warriors and patriots. I think your mission is noble but I believe you have a heavy cross to bear and you may be pulling it uphill with some of us. Good luck and I wish you success.
SGT Jennifer Rixe
SGT Jennifer Rixe
5 y
MSgt Stephen Council I hear what you're saying and can see where you are coming from. Thank you very much for your insight - it has been extremely helpful.
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