Posted on Apr 2, 2018
PO2 Morgan May
I am trying to figure out what I want to do and how to go about it all.

I just got out of the Navy in August of 2017 as a (frocked) PO2/E-5. I am currently working as a civilian on an Air Force base being as my husband is enlisted in the air force and I follow him where he gets orders now. I have been contemplating getting back in as an officer after I get my degree finished and if that's the case, then I would join the Air Force vs the Navy so getting stationed together wouldn't be such a pain.

As I stated above, I am trying to figure out how much hoops I would have to jump through to get this process started after my degree is finished. How long would I be gone? Would the Air Force recognize/ care that my husband is active duty enlisted and station us together? How long is the training and is there a tech school involved? Would they take into account my prior enlistment and give additional rank or OE pay?
Edited 7 y ago
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Responses: 5
Maj Assistant Director Of Operations
I have known many enlisted/officer couples. Its a common thing in the AF. Getting stationed together is easy if you both have jobs that are everywhere like personnel, medical, security forces, etc. It becomes more difficult if you both have jobs that are at few locations. O-E pay would def be given as long as you have 48 months and 1 day enlisted. OTS is 9.5 weeks long, and tech school lengths vary from 5 weeks to 12+ months depending on the job. Applying isnt tough, jist apply through the regular recruiter as if you were never active duty.
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Sgt Field Radio Operator
Edited 7 y ago
PO2 Morgan May Below is information about the Air Force Officer program. You can use the "Chat Live' feature at the bottom of the link, to communicate with someone online to obtain answers. Have you talked to an Air Force Recruiter? Good luck.
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COL Deputy G2
You have a couple of questions. When I was enlisted and my wife was an officer the Army made efforts to put us at or near each other. The Army married couples program. Air For s has an equivalent program- just ask.

He question about tech school and training time. That depends on what your job will be. Will you be in a field where you can direct commission? Will you do Air Force ROTC? Do you plan on doing some kind of enlistment with an OCS type transition.

Yes, all your service will count toward your pay. It is all included. Active duty, Reserves, National Guard. All your federal time will be counted toward your pay. No- you will not be given additional rank for your enlisted service.

I would recommend you do these things before going further.

1. Figure out your commissioning source. How are you going about getting commissioned? Is there a direct commission track (medical, law, or other specialty)? You doing ROTC- you can’t just get your degree and say where my commission? You have to follow the program.

2. How will the Air Force pick my job? Do I get to pick my job? Will the Air For e pick my job? What will determine my job? My degree, my aptitude, needs of the Air Force?

3. How long and where will that training be and will I have to move my family?

4. Will my husband be stationed with me? If I have kids will I need a written plan in case we both get deployed? Can my husband take care of the kids be himself? Can I take care of the kids by myself? Where do the kids go if I go to training?

5. Can my husband and I get stationed together? What is the command climate on an officer and enlisted being married? Will my assignment have precedence over my husband?

You will eventually have to decide whose career will take precedence on assignments. Have that conversation with your husband. I have seen where a wive’s career has ended because of a husband that refused to move. Couple of years later wife regretted ending her military career. It happens and think about and talk to your husband about it. Good luck.
Maj Pete Siegel
Maj Pete Siegel
>1 y
Excellent comment.
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