Posted on Mar 28, 2018
Can anyone give advice regarding National Guard Technicians?
My Sergeant is submitting my resume for a GS-8 position in my MOS. What is different about being a Tech compared to M-Day besides it being 5 days a week? A bump in the hill is that I live 100 miles from my unit and so I am trying to organize living arrangements.
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 5
It’s nice to get the full time experience and networking done face to face to fully submerge yourself into your MOS. I learned a lot while I was full time. Full time National Guard is the best job I’ve ever had and do not want to do anything else. There’s nothing like getting the knowledge to assist other soldiers when they need.
SPC (Join to see)
I did get the position. I'm hoping to learn a lot for my career and use the time to get to know other Soldiers who are on Full Time or regular ADOS and Tech orders. To be honest I kind of miss the environment I experienced in IET compared to Civilian life.
SSG Joshua Tanton
Spend some time doing that and strive for a permanent position. I dont know if yours is or not. But go for permanent Tech/AGR. It’s the best way. Congratulations and good luck!
SPC (Join to see)
SSG Joshua Tanton - I think that's the plan for me, right now it's temporary but it has the large possibility of being extended into the next fiscal year. Thank you.
SPC (Join to see)
Thank you, I hope to. Being National Guard to keep up you have to do a lot of studying and this opportunity would give me the chance to not only get paid but to do my MOS on a day to day basis like my Active counterparts.
Just so you know, you lose any bonuses, the option for tricare reserve, but you can “double dip” for pay when you drill.
SPC (Join to see)
SFC (Join to see) - I wasn't aware I would get leave. I'm sure I'll learn more going forward but I like to know as much as I can going in. Thank you Sergeant.
SFC (Join to see)
Techs are a great opportunity for you to learn more about the military and how things work, provided you understand that you lose some benefits while gaining others. The leave isn’t like active component or T32 leave(AGR) leave. It’s a closer equivalent to paid vacation that can only be used while working your MDAY position.
SPC (Join to see)
SFC (Join to see) - By that I could use my tech leave on a MUTA and get paid for both essentially?
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