Posted on Mar 26, 2018
What is the difference between a human intelligence collector, and a psyoper?
Both of these MOS are on my list, and I wanted to know what set them apart.
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 8
The basic difference is that HUMINTers are trained to collect information to potentially be turned into actionable intelligence, thus giving friendly forces a look at the enemy's disposition and other useful information for combatant commanders to use.
Psyops is mainly concerned with affecting the perception of the populace in the country we're operating in. So - propaganda, etc.
I don't really know much about Psyops, but could probably give you more information on HUMINT. There are also excellent resources available online if you Google either 35M, Human Intelligence Collection, or Psychological Operations.
Psyops is mainly concerned with affecting the perception of the populace in the country we're operating in. So - propaganda, etc.
I don't really know much about Psyops, but could probably give you more information on HUMINT. There are also excellent resources available online if you Google either 35M, Human Intelligence Collection, or Psychological Operations.
As PSYOP, we do not collect intelligence. We gather information while conducting Military Information Support Operations (MISO). That being said, if you feel the information you gather may be of intelligence value, you may share the information with your S-2/J-2/G-2, in which they may turn into actionable intelligence. As a PSYOP'er, your goal is to influence target audiences to change behavior, through various persuasion techniques and messaging platforms, and engage in a desired behavior in favor of US interests and objectives. My opinion may be biased, but I would certainly recommend coming to PSYOP because of the opportunity to network with various different agencies, including those within the intelligence community.
As a PsyOp specialist I agree with SFC Gammage. We analyze the people as groups, we analyze the enemy propaganda, whether or not it works and why and then take what we learn to influence that population. Sort of like CNN but we tell the truth far more often
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