Posted on Mar 21, 2018
Is it possible for a prior-service Marine to enlist into 35L?
Hey there I hope you all are well. I'm a prior service Marine infantryman (2007-2011- IRR ended in 2015 I believe). I'm looking to rejoin the service in the intelligence community, being particuarily interested in 35M and 35L. I've been doing a good deal research but I'm coming across some conflicting information. I realize 35L is an application MOS, but is it possible to go through the application process and upon approval enlist directly into 35L? I contacted CI recruiter Mr. Randall Long via the CI Agent recruiting pamphlet who said he understood it as that you already needed to be in the Army with an MOS before applying. However I have read some other posts here on RP that have stated that an MOS reclass is possible if you're going 18x or 35L. I was interested if anyone could provide some clarity on this. I've read through the current Prior Service Business rules several times but it can be a bit confusing to decipher.
Additionally I contacted a recruiter in my area (Beaumont, TX) who stated that they're not recruiting/taking anyone PS below the rank of E-5 unless it was reserve. I followed that with a phone call to the Burleson, TX recruiters who enlisted my wife a few months ago. The recruiters there who I'd met with several times said they're not sure why the first recruiter said that and they should be able to get me in with no issues as my code is RE-1A. I'm curious why this type of conflict occurs? It seems some PS guys need to work with several recruiters before being able to come back in. I would appreciate any advice on this front.
My wife is currently in AIT as a 35N and I was curious to get some insight into dual service life. We've discussed my return to service for several months and decided that while she's in school would be the best time to start my own process. Though I would be enlisting into Intel, I'm concerned that we would get different duty stations. Our recruiters told us that this scenario would be highly unlikely but I'd love to hear from any dual service members about your experience. We have a strong marriage and communicate well, both of us are looking to turn our Army service into careers. One issue that I've read about is that generally one service member's career will need to take a back seat to the others.
I appreciate any information that yall may be able to provide.
UPDATE: I called the FT HOOD FO and the agent there said he needed to give the school a call as they've not encountered this scenario in a while. I'll update this post again when I get a little more information for folks following this post or in a similar situation.
Semper Fi,
Derek Goins
3rd BN 5th Marines - Dark Horse GET SOME
Additionally I contacted a recruiter in my area (Beaumont, TX) who stated that they're not recruiting/taking anyone PS below the rank of E-5 unless it was reserve. I followed that with a phone call to the Burleson, TX recruiters who enlisted my wife a few months ago. The recruiters there who I'd met with several times said they're not sure why the first recruiter said that and they should be able to get me in with no issues as my code is RE-1A. I'm curious why this type of conflict occurs? It seems some PS guys need to work with several recruiters before being able to come back in. I would appreciate any advice on this front.
My wife is currently in AIT as a 35N and I was curious to get some insight into dual service life. We've discussed my return to service for several months and decided that while she's in school would be the best time to start my own process. Though I would be enlisting into Intel, I'm concerned that we would get different duty stations. Our recruiters told us that this scenario would be highly unlikely but I'd love to hear from any dual service members about your experience. We have a strong marriage and communicate well, both of us are looking to turn our Army service into careers. One issue that I've read about is that generally one service member's career will need to take a back seat to the others.
I appreciate any information that yall may be able to provide.
UPDATE: I called the FT HOOD FO and the agent there said he needed to give the school a call as they've not encountered this scenario in a while. I'll update this post again when I get a little more information for folks following this post or in a similar situation.
Semper Fi,
Derek Goins
3rd BN 5th Marines - Dark Horse GET SOME
Edited 7 y ago
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 5
You do not have to be any particular MOS to be accepted into 35L. You can be a cook and be accepted into the CI program. If they are still not taking 35L off the street then you have to go through a rigorous process. The application is about at thick with paperwork as the Webster Dictionary at the library. Interview and recommendation from a CI. It’s hard, 35M is more fun!
CPL Goins: First off - holy crap. I grew up in Lumberton and joined the Army in 2002. Small world.
Second - as far as becoming a 35L from being a prior service Marine, MSG (Join to see) would probably be able to expound on this a bit better, but my initial assumption is that you'll still have to come into the Army and follow the normal application procedures. However, we are reopening the MOS for initial entry Soldiers to join, so you might also be able to come directly in as CI just as a prior service dude.
Again, I'm not 100% on any of this, to include on whether or not you'll also have to attend basic training.
As far as the "being married" piece of all this:
We have the Army Married Couples Program:
Bottom line is that nothing guarantees you'll end up together for certain, but that the Army will do its best to ensure they try to get you together as much as is feasible.
I've encountered a number of married couples since I've been in who do go from station to station with one another. Granted, they are all MI, so my experience and theirs may be skewed to our career fields.
Hopefully, SFC Nuckols gets back and clarifies. He's a guru with this stuff.
Good luck!
Second - as far as becoming a 35L from being a prior service Marine, MSG (Join to see) would probably be able to expound on this a bit better, but my initial assumption is that you'll still have to come into the Army and follow the normal application procedures. However, we are reopening the MOS for initial entry Soldiers to join, so you might also be able to come directly in as CI just as a prior service dude.
Again, I'm not 100% on any of this, to include on whether or not you'll also have to attend basic training.
As far as the "being married" piece of all this:
We have the Army Married Couples Program:
Bottom line is that nothing guarantees you'll end up together for certain, but that the Army will do its best to ensure they try to get you together as much as is feasible.
I've encountered a number of married couples since I've been in who do go from station to station with one another. Granted, they are all MI, so my experience and theirs may be skewed to our career fields.
Hopefully, SFC Nuckols gets back and clarifies. He's a guru with this stuff.
Good luck!
SFC (Join to see)
Cpl Derek Goins - Crazy stuff - are you originally from Kountze? Do you know the Enderles? Will, Josh, or Ashley?
Cpl Derek Goins
My mother grew up in Kountze, my father from Evadale. I was hatched in New Orleans and Dad being career Navy we lived a pretty nomadic lifestyle. Little bit in GA, LA, TX, and TN. I can't call anywhere home haha. The Enderles doesn't ring any bells though.
SFC (Join to see)
Cpl Derek Goins - Ah, cool cool. Well - I've got family spread between Kountze, Lumberton, and Beaumont. Just didn't know if you were a native of the area or not. Cool stuff man. I miss the woods.
Cpl Derek Goins
Oh very cool. Yea most of my family lives around this area as well or Houston, bleh. The woods are great, but the mosquito's are absolutely positively freaking ridiculous this year. Likely from the regular hurricanes that roll through. But that's SE Texas for you!
Cpl Goins: I was in the Army for a lot of years (strategic and tactical sides), and I can probably count on one hand the amount of times a commander asked in a meeting, pre-mission brief, mission planning, etc, “hey what does HUMINT think?” On the other hand, SIGINT is consulted just about every single time.
I can go on for days as to why SIGINT is the way to go. But there’s a reason why 35M soldiers in the MICo hate their lives but Cybercom is being elevated to its own Unified Combatant Command. It’s the future and definitely where you want to be.
To answer your question, I don’t think it’s possible for you to go directly into the Army as a 35L. To better answer, don’t go Mike, either. Follow your wife, go to Goodfellow. 35N is where it’s at, especially on the tactical side.
I can go on for days as to why SIGINT is the way to go. But there’s a reason why 35M soldiers in the MICo hate their lives but Cybercom is being elevated to its own Unified Combatant Command. It’s the future and definitely where you want to be.
To answer your question, I don’t think it’s possible for you to go directly into the Army as a 35L. To better answer, don’t go Mike, either. Follow your wife, go to Goodfellow. 35N is where it’s at, especially on the tactical side.
Cpl Derek Goins
I appreciate the information SGT, I will definitely look into November as an option as well. My wife obviously can't tell me much. Is there a huge difference in job duties between the 35F and N? When I've read about them, the jobs sound very similar with the Foxtrot being a generalist.
SGT (Join to see)
Similar like lemons and oranges. They’re both fruit. Citrus, even. But definitely not the same. Huge difference. On specifics, you’re wife can’t tell much. I can tell you less. What I will state is this:
35F is All source, or fusion. It’s multi source. In a nutshell, a fox analyst compiles intelligence produced from the single source shops like N (SIGINT) G (geoint) or M(HUMINT). A lot of research is done by F analysts. But very rarely do they take raw collected information and turn it into an intelligence product for the consumer. That falls on the single source disciplines, which SIGINT happens to be one of.
Think about what type of soldier you want to be and what type of career you’d like might. SIGINT is an elite group of nerds. There can’t be more 2000 or so in the Army. And it’s a diverse group. Most can solve a Rubix cube, and just about all are proficient with technology on a high level. But, once you get into the tactical world is where some are better suited to solving the fight from the windowless rooms and others are better by using the wizard tools to manipulate battle space in real-time.
I really wont state much more. It’s classified and anything nearing specifics requires TS/SCI.
I’ll end with a simple analogy. 35F is the entry level of the intel world. But if you wash out of N school, don’t worry, they send you to go be a Fox.
The geoints and Humints...kind of mid tier. They definitely have a role, for sure. But they're kinda like being the coolest kids in the 8th grade. Biggest fish in their pond, but in just a few months, they’ll be released to the high school ocean.
In the intel world, 35n is top dog (cousin 35p is close, but the army grossly misuses sand poorly treats its linguists. Also, you can still learn a language as a November (and it’s not MOS mandatory like for the papas). Quality of life, career progression, promotion, unique career opportunities, duty station assignments, etc. The average 35N will not have an average Army life, but in a good way.
If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate
35F is All source, or fusion. It’s multi source. In a nutshell, a fox analyst compiles intelligence produced from the single source shops like N (SIGINT) G (geoint) or M(HUMINT). A lot of research is done by F analysts. But very rarely do they take raw collected information and turn it into an intelligence product for the consumer. That falls on the single source disciplines, which SIGINT happens to be one of.
Think about what type of soldier you want to be and what type of career you’d like might. SIGINT is an elite group of nerds. There can’t be more 2000 or so in the Army. And it’s a diverse group. Most can solve a Rubix cube, and just about all are proficient with technology on a high level. But, once you get into the tactical world is where some are better suited to solving the fight from the windowless rooms and others are better by using the wizard tools to manipulate battle space in real-time.
I really wont state much more. It’s classified and anything nearing specifics requires TS/SCI.
I’ll end with a simple analogy. 35F is the entry level of the intel world. But if you wash out of N school, don’t worry, they send you to go be a Fox.
The geoints and Humints...kind of mid tier. They definitely have a role, for sure. But they're kinda like being the coolest kids in the 8th grade. Biggest fish in their pond, but in just a few months, they’ll be released to the high school ocean.
In the intel world, 35n is top dog (cousin 35p is close, but the army grossly misuses sand poorly treats its linguists. Also, you can still learn a language as a November (and it’s not MOS mandatory like for the papas). Quality of life, career progression, promotion, unique career opportunities, duty station assignments, etc. The average 35N will not have an average Army life, but in a good way.
If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate
SPC (Join to see)
Can confirm all this. Mike is fun, but expect to be doing the patrols while the 35Ns listen to your every move in a cool James Bond way. We're lethal together, but Novembers definitely are something else
SGT (Join to see)
“SIGINT can’t provide context.” An interesting, though fairly inaccurate, point of view.
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