Posted on Jan 7, 2014
SFC John Brooks
I'm sure a lot of us have ways of supplementing our monthly income with some sort of work in addition to active duty. For a few years I've been toying with this idea- I have a large family and with our retirement benefits in the crosshairs, I'm seriously thinking about either looking for work that won't interfere in any way with my regular duties or starting up a small business myself. With 14 years IT experience and a degree in game design I'm sure I could be doing more. <br><br>If you are experienced with this, throw your thoughts out there!<br>
Posted in these groups: Jon JobsCa2 Career Advice
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Responses: 32
MAJ Patrick Hairston CISSP, AWS Certified Cloud Architect
I've always had a second job, while enlisted and as an officer. I was stocking shelves as a Major active duty...
SSgt Security Forces
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
thats what im talking about a hard working fucking officer, i like this guy!
LCpl Kevin Crespo
LCpl Kevin Crespo
>1 y
Hello Major. I am writing a paper for my MBA in Finance, and I'm discussing service members having to hold down 2nd jobs. I was wondering if I could have your permission to quote your comment in my paper. I think it makes a strong statement towards my paper as the attention grabber in my introduction.
Kevin Crespo
SGT(P) Battalion S6 Communications Ncoic
SGT(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
I was told by my 1SG that before I can get a second job, I have to find the regulation covering it in AR600-20. Unfortunately the only thing I have found so far is information on active duty military spouses obtaining a job. I have had a second job since I joined the army 8 years ago, never had to find information on it. Sir, do you know where in AR600-20 shows the outline for an active duty service member to get a second job off duty hours?
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SSG(P) Team Chief Help Desk Nco
I work a couple days a week at BestBuy the discounts are amazing while I am active duty.&nbsp;
CPL Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
CPL (Join to see)
>1 y
How did you go about getting it authorized? Memo approval?
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SSG Robert Burns
I own 2 business and I also moonlight as a contract nurse.  However, because of my nursing license I first have to receive authorization from the Army Hospital first and it is regulated how many additional hours I can work.
SSG(P) Squad Leader
SSG(P) (Join to see)
11 y

Wow that's great, I mean the Nursing credential is a great asset.

LTC Paul Labrador
LTC Paul Labrador
>1 y
Yeah, in the AMEDD the delineations are quite clear. They even have a Reg for it. Fill out your ODE packet, get it approved by the command, turn in the amount of hours you work and as long as your second job doesn't interfere, you're good to go.
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