Posted on Mar 9, 2018
Outside of serving our country in the military, what have you contributed to make this a better place for yourself and others?
Small things can make a world of difference in the life's of others. Myself I volunteer Veteran outreach program reaching out to homeless Vets to direct them to where they can get assistance. Serve and help prepare meals for local homeless shelters. I also volunteer in a adopt a tree program where we go out once a year and plant trees. Volunteer cleaning up the creeks and waterways it's amazing the amount of debris there is. We all can do a little to contribute no matter how small. However the thing that I believe is the most worthy of all the things that I volunteer to do. Is that I treat others with dignity and respect. I also thank GOD each and everyday for allowing me to do the things I do and for the blessings I enjoy. So the time I spend doing this cost me nothing. I don't want absolutely nothing in return for doing such things. The fact that it will make a difference for the good is rewarding enough. If you can get out there and volunteer it can really make a difference.
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 13
Volunteer firefighter, EMT, foster parent, started a scholarship for nursing students in my mother’s name at the community college she attended for her RN, veterans mentoring.
Respecting others in what they have to say and think.
Thank you for the post, it was worth my while to respond and connect.
Thank you for the post, it was worth my while to respond and connect.
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