Posted on Mar 7, 2018
SPC David S.
*** UPDATE ***

In less than 10 days after deciding to no longer sell high capacity clips - AAFES has reversed its "policy" and is now once again stocking these items.

It was a policy decision - while not happy about the policy glad to see others make a stink as well AAFES in understanding the customer base and willingness to service it - well done.

To me this seems a bit hypocritical as the DoD has trained millions of service members on the use of automatic weapons that use high capacity magazines. Some of the weapons system are belt fed. As well the DoD has deployed a good number of "soldiers" off to war to combat our enemies using such weapons - yet they can't buy a magazine that holds more than 11 rounds.
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 48
SGM Erik Marquez
You mean normal or common or standard capacity magazines sold as original equipment with every AR pattern rifle ?

Yes it is
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - While at NTC though I purchased three different ARs and upon receiving the firearm I had to open the box to inspect the weapon then by law handover the magazine to the store clerk. You were not allowed a magazine above 10 rds or it was a felony?"
I believe that was post/ store policy, but done with intent of not causing you to be a criminal when you departed post with that mag..... The state can not write nor enforce laws on that federal property. The CA standard capacity mag ban is only enforceable on post if post CDR (or big army tells that CDR to) wants it to be.
But I understand your point...Thanks for the insight to more AAFES nuttiness.
I say nuttiness, because that confiscation of a standard capacity mag which was not a violation of CA law on post, could have gone in your HHG when you PCS'd to another post in a state not as screwed up as CA.
Should they have provided you information, even a warning that taking the mag off the military installation would violate local law? Sure..... but take something you paid for? NO.

How many of your rifles that came into the state with you were considered unlawful in CA? Id guess more than a few..unless you always buy your firearms that are CA approved (please, say thats not true) Those rifles as long as they stay on post are not causing a violation of CA law..right? No MP was dispatched when you PCS'ed to your residence to confiscate your AR pattern rifle what has a fully operation mag release, and a shoulder thing that goes up..right? If post and big Army is ok with that situation, why would AAFES feel the need to steal the standard capacity mag from you at the point of sale.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
PO3 Steven Sherrill
>1 y
SGM Erik Marquez Don't forget most semi automatic pistols in the 9MM and.40 S&W calibers (among others).
SSgt John Hutto
SSgt John Hutto
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - ummmm, that kid that told you that was full if BS! i am a texas resident and also work at the BX in Texas. if he told you that he violated your rights, because it is NOT against any Texas law to have a high cap mag! it might be against store policy, but again NOT against any TX law! go tell him to give you your mag back! they have to sell it with the equipment it came with! so if it came with a 30 round mag, you get a 30 round mag! they can NOT send those back if it came with the firearm! whatever they are doing at fort hood or where ever, they are dead wrong! tell that genius to get ahold of the Dyess store, or actually look up the state laws!
LTC Multifunctional Logistician
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
SSGT Hutto, I had purchased the firearm in California at an Army base. It was not in Texas.
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SPC Mike Lake
I think it's Pretty sad that AAFES would cave to the political left wing assault
SPC Mike Lake
SPC Mike Lake
>1 y
SPC David Willis never said it was my comments was to the tobacco removal and that tobacco wasn't a constitutional right ... And telling me what kind of gun i can own and removing them from sale and banning certain guns and magazine capacity all does infringe on my 2A rights because if I am gonna fight a govt against tyranny I'm not gonna do it with a pistol and 10 round magazine they have sufficient arms and so shall we that's our right to have sufficient arms and u know what kind of arms we would be going against the government God forbid that would ever happen again but we aren't far from it this country is at a civil unrest .. think about it they don't want us to have sufficient arms to over throw them they are too big already. how would u fight a govt of tyranny when we no longer have sufficient arms to fight them all their weapons are automatic and we got water pistols compared to their weaponry because we keep letting them pretty soon we will nothing to fight with against them and that's exactly what they want and u seen what happened to some countries when they took their weapons from them .....
SPC David Willis
SPC David Willis
>1 y
SPC Mike Lake the constitution only refers to the government when it comes to the 2A. AAFES could refuse to sell any type of firearm or firearm accessory and it wouldn't be unconstitutional at all. So in fact halting the sale of tobacco is the same as halting the sale of firearm magazines. You can still legally buy them you just have to go elsewhere. Sears used to sell firearms and now they dont, but no one bitches about that being unconstitutional because well, it isn't.
SPC Mike Lake
SPC Mike Lake
>1 y
I know not selling of high cap mags or guns isn't a violation or our 2a rights and never said it did the legislative issues surrounding it has alot of potential violations... but my thought is So why was a baker sued and fined because they violated rights for refusing to sell 30 round cakes because they only made ten round cakes but were forced to sell a cake that they didn't make I thought it's your choice to sell what u want and refuse service to whom u want I guess not...
SPC David Willis
SPC David Willis
>1 y
SPC Mike Lake - Totally agree on the cakes and thanks for the message bro! The cake case is being reviewed by SCOTUS and I would imagine it will be overturned and they will be given the right to refuse service based on religious beliefs. However stocking something and refusing to sell it to individuals based on a sexual preference is much different than deciding to simply not sell something anymore. For example if I walk into Target and pull something off the shelf but am told I cant buy it because I'm white, that's discrimination. However if I walk into Target and ask to buy a rifle magazine that they simply don't carry that's just me shopping at the wrong store.
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LTC Kevin B.
The DoD also trained millions of service members on the use of hand grenades, mortars, SAWs, etc., but they don't sell any of those in AAFES. Would that also be hypocritical? This policy doesn't bother me.
SSgt John Hutto
SSgt John Hutto
>1 y
honestly SPC David Willis, its too fishy to all of a sudden pull these mags. if they would have stopped selling all over the counter magazines, i could see if being based off of a business decision, but to pull only high cap mags, thats a big red flag to me. i work at a bx behind the firearms counter, and we have no problem selling AR mags or any high cap mags, they sell just fine. so i call BS on AAFES and the so called business stance of it. but here is the real concern, once they pull those, whats next, no more AR's? probably!
SPC David Willis
SPC David Willis
>1 y
SSgt John Hutto - That's fine, I mean we are both speculating and none of us will ever likely know the truth.
SFC William Farrell
SFC William Farrell
>1 y
LTC Kevin B. - Its made sense to AAFES as they were trying to fit in with a liberal agenda and it failed miserably. AAFES and MCX still sells alcohol and alcohol has caused far more deaths on the home front than 30 round magazines. But people fail to see this distinction.
LTC Kevin B.
LTC Kevin B.
>1 y
SFC William Farrell - And if AAFES stopped selling alcohol, people would still be able to get it at other stores. Just like with the magazines, I would simply drive off-post to a liquor store and buy what I want. Problem solved. I have much bigger issues to worry about in life than worrying about having to buy product A at Store #1 versus Store #2. This whole issue is the political equivalent of "pole-vaulting over mouse turds".
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