Posted on Mar 5, 2018
Shawnta Johnson
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Responses: 18
COL Strategic Plans Chief
Shawnta Johnson, this is a personality and profession question. It sounds like you have options which is good. I did not. The Army waved money in my face when I was in high school and I jumped at it because I grew up on a dirt road behind a bar and a gas station. Not a metrosexual bar either. I'm talking about the dirty, after working at the quarry kind of bar. Anyhow...opportunities abound in the services now that the majority of career fields are open to women. First thing is, get a commission as an officer if you can. Nothing wrong with being enlisted, but there are better job opportunities on the backside of an officer's career. Not an absolute truth however, as there are plenty of signal, cyber, IT, and military intelligence enlisted that transition to amazing jobs in the civilian world. Officers tend to bounce into management jobs. Just something to think about. Enlisted and officer lives are completely different. You have much more freedom as a junior officer than you would as a junior enlisted. Back to your main question. Depends what you want to do and where you want to do it. The Air Force has the best standards of living. The Marine Corps has the best camaraderie and discipline. The Army is simply vast in comparison to the others with many more opportunities across the world (larger force = more things to do). The Navy provides the opportunity to sail across the world...that's pretty dang cool...and there isn't much of a threat for them right now. I am glad that you have the desire to serve. Whatever you choose, know that you would be one of the few who do. Thanks for considering being a Warrior.
Shawnta Johnson
Shawnta Johnson
7 y
Wow thanks for that advice!! Strong words of wisdom, I must say. That is a lot I will consider in choosing where to join. Don't thank me yet, I haven't done any of the hard work
Shawnta Johnson
Shawnta Johnson
7 y
But I will hold you up to that when I come out on the other side
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SN Greg Wright
That you even ask this question puts you ahead of most of your peers, Ms. Johnson. So. What do you want to do in life? What are your priorities? Do you want to travel? Want to NOT travel? Aviation? Blow shit up? Save lives? Plan ops? Computer stuff? Battle planning? So you see, YOU are the one who can best answer your own question. So I say, decide what it is you want to do, THEN investigate which branch can best get you there.
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CW3 Jeff Held
I spent 21 years in the Army. I loved it and am certainly partial to it. Do you have any military bases / posts near where you live? Maybe you could ask each Recruiter to drive you there for a “day tour” so you could look around.

Most of us have faced the same quandary as you. We made a choice and made the best of it. There are several posts about folks switching over from one branch to another after their enlistment contract was up.

Which ever branch you choose stick your nose deep into college text books every chance you get!
Shawnta Johnson
Shawnta Johnson
7 y
Only an air force base but I gave been in and out before. I live in a small town so not much too see... Thanks for the guidance and advice
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