I personally don't have an issue with sex offenders being in the Armed Forces to serve our country as long as there's a tracking mechanism for them and make them register on and off post. What are your views?
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 11
I'd have a big issue with it. The military already has a big, big problem with rape and harassment, we don't need to add to it. Also being the military is about honor. There is no honor in that.
CH (CPT) Heather Davis
LCPL Lefler:
You are absolutely correct, and that is my thoughts precisely. It does not align up with our core military branches.
Semper FI which means always faithful!!
<p>I have an issue with it and it does not align up with our Military values.</p><p><br></p><p>We put our Nation's Sons and Daughter's at risk.</p><p><br></p><p>We compromise the integrity of our units, cohesion, and the impact that it has for those that believed in the sacred bond of brotherhood.</p><p><br></p><p>You have generations that come from military families and they see the military as a family.</p>

Suspended Profile
Perhaps this is a major part of the problem. If we refused to recruit, enlist, appoint, and/or retain known sex offenders in the military, perhaps we would avoid having to deal with the huge number of assaults reported and even larger number of assaults estimated to be committed on against male and female service members.<div><br></div><div>What possible purpose is served by keeping known sex offenders in the armed forces?</div><div><br></div>
CH (CPT) Heather Davis
<p>Ma'am:</p><p><br></p><p>Respectfully you are absolutely correct, it is imperative for the safety and moral discipline of our Nation's greatest resource that our Military exemplifies honor, duty, selfless service, personal courage, integrity.</p><p><br></p><p>This is a direct violation of our honor code!</p>
LTC Stephen C.
1LT Sandy Annala, my answer to your question is that no possible good purpose is served by keeping known sex offenders in the armed forces.
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