Posted on Feb 27, 2018
Gil Luis
My wife enlisted active duty in the ARMY last year and I am currently active duty Air Force deployed overseas. At the time of her enlistment we had been married and living together at my current home station. After speaking with several Air Force Finance personnel, all been under the impression that we should have been receiving Fam Sep Pay from the start of her basic training. (I thought so just because while I was in basic-tech school I received Fam Sep Pay) However, when my wife submitted paper work during AIT, her leadership denied the request stating that we were not "stationed" together prior to her receiving orders for basic training and that the ARMY does not pay BAH or Fam Sep Pay during basic and AIT. (AIT was 6 months). Unfortunately, I have read a few confusing forums and my wife's S1 personnel have been of no help in finding a definitive answer. FORM 1561 section 8 states in summary we must have been residing with my spouse prior to execution of military orders. I have also tried to submit for Family sep but denied because the payment is to the person whose orders resulted in the separation. Could some Finance Gurus help me out. Thank you all!
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Responses: 5
LCpl Ferdinand Hughes
If you are already getting FSA, then your spouse can't receive it at the same time. Only one service member is entitled to it, first come first serve, meaning whomever turns in the paperwork into their admin first gets the entitlement.
Gil Luis
Gil Luis
7 y
Neither one of us is getting it. Both of us have applied! And no under the fsa rules only the person whom orders pulled them away receives fsa hence why my app was denied
SPC Automated Logistical Specialist
SPC (Join to see)
6 y
I am in the exact same situation as you. Can you updated me what happen ?
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LCpl Ferdinand Hughes
As far as the BAH, either of you lived in government quarters? For her, it's a given being she is basic, but were you living in the barracks during AIT? Also, are there children being claimed as dependents?
Gil Luis
Gil Luis
7 y
we both lived in a house prior to her going to basic. I live in dorms in 2015 during tech school. I currently receive bah. She doesn't not because she is in gov quarters. No kids no dependents
LCpl Ferdinand Hughes
LCpl Ferdinand Hughes
7 y
roger that.
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MAJ Contracting Officer
Edited 7 y ago
Like mentioned above, only one gets FSA, but BAH (without dependents) should be given to both of you. Technically you were "stationed together" if you were living in the same house when you were deployed. If you lived in separate areas when you were deployed she would not be entitled BAH. Normally the Army starts this in reception your first week of boot camp. curious as to why they didn't allow it then??? All married Soldiers get BAH during basic training, unless they were separated.

Why didn't your spouse come with you to your oversea's location? Dual military is tough dual service military is nearly impossible.
Gil Luis
Gil Luis
7 y
-neither one of us receive fsa... we were living together prior to My wife going to basic training in January. I deployed in July
MAJ Contracting Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
7 y
She should get FSA. Look up DOD FMR 7a to find the reference.
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