Posted on Feb 20, 2018
PO3 Justin Rasmussen-Olsen
I am looking for some information about an RE code upgrade. I know what forms I need to submit to the Discharge review board and for the Board or corrections. I just would like to know from any one who as any experience in deal with this type of the thing and if it's likely in my particular case that mine would get upgraded or if they will even give my case the time of day.

I was in the navy for 10 years, and I got out with an honorable discharge with a JGH SPD code (under retention) and an RE4.
So basically what happened was I had just made E6, so I was frocked, got busted for curfew while stationed in Bahrain. At my captains mast, my captain did the ultimate on me and busted me down to E4. I was already in for 10 years, so got forced out under retention. Couldn't do any time in the reserves either due to the RE code. Did 10 years with no problems like that until that point, EP sailor all the way to that point pretty much. It was my third command.

I have lawyered up already and am getting everything ready to send in. Should I be getting a recruiter involved as well? I have letters from past leadership from my past commands as well as this command that are all stating their opinions about the results of my mast which were all against the captains decision.

I also understand the navy has just recently changed the retention policy. What is it for reserves now if you don't mind me asking?

I appreciate the time and look forward to hearing what any one has to say thanks.
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Responses: 6
SGT Eric Davis
Well from the army perspective I tried to get my discharge upgraded cause I was falsity accused of a situation, an Article 15 and demoted and before I got discharge the accuser told my command that allegations was false but I was still discharged. I tried to get my discharge upgraded with stilll the supporting documents but it was denied and they Gave me a BS answer. The whole process took from almost a year to hear a reply so I wouldn’t contact a recruiter yet until you are ready to enlist but you can contact the VA for a rep to help or a good lawyers wh Help with upgrades one name in William Cassara.

BTW I am reeenlisting within the next week.
PO3 Justin Rasmussen-Olsen
PO3 Justin Rasmussen-Olsen
>1 y
Thank you for your response and your recommendation for a lawyer. I have all my paperwork that I need to submit the documents. I am just waiting on my lawyer to finish up his process.

In my situation, I did legitimately mess up but it was my first time getting in trouble since I was in and there was one case that was similar/worse than mine and there were other violations from other for example, one there was fraud to the government, and another one was UA for a few days just to name a few. And they NJP results were way less severe. So essentially there was no consistency with the punishments. This is why I am pursuing this. Thank you again
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
6 y
PO3 Justin Rasmussen-Olsen - Be aware that inconsistency of punishment is not much of a reason unless you can show similar offenses committed by someone of equal or higher rank. I would have hammered one of my squad leaders a lot harder than I would have a PFC since a Staff Sergeant is supposed to be a leader and set the example.
PV2 Stryker Systems Maintainer
PV2 (Join to see)
6 y
Did they end up changing your code?? If not how did you end up being able to re-enlist. I’m trying to re-enlist but I’ve got an re-4 code to
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PO3 David Fries
I was given an RE4 re-enlistment code. All of my evals had been good. I sent an email to the appropriate group and they upgraded me to a RE1. No issues.
SA Chelsea Parks
SA Chelsea Parks
>1 y
PO3 David Fries when you emailed them, did you just explain your sitiation or include anything of significance? My husband was prior Navy at the age of 17..he is now 27, married with children and much more .ature than he was back then and is looking to re-enlist into the Army. He was given an RE-4 with a JKA code for missing 2 days and receiving unexcused absences. He was obviously young and dumb and upon being asked if he wanted to stay in or get out, he didn't realize the effect it would have on him when trying to go back in in the future. We're looking for any help plssible with this so that we can get it changed without the hassle. Thanks!
PO3 David Fries
PO3 David Fries
>1 y
SA Chelsea Parks They did all the investigating. At the end of the day, they had no reason to give me an RE-4. They would have to have one hell of a good reason to reverse your husbands’.
SPC Michelle Goodhart
SPC Michelle Goodhart
>1 y
PO3 David Fries you applied to a Review Board and they adjudicated you case. If it was easy your RE was probably in error. Navy Corrections Board...
PO3 David Fries
PO3 David Fries
>1 y
SPC Michelle Goodhart that is correct, my RE Code was an error. Even my last eval had the “retention recommended” box checked.
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SGM Erik Marquez
Edited >1 y ago
Last time I looked, the upgrade process was only to correct an erroneously given RE code.. Not done for merits or waiver.

This has been discussed recently, with lots of cites and responses..let me see if I can find that thread.
SPC Michelle Goodhart
SPC Michelle Goodhart
>1 y
I can’t speak for the Navy, only for Army but I believe the answer to be similar. The SPD code is tied to the narrative reason for separation... and the RE code is tied to the SPD... the only way to change the Re is with an upgrade or adjustment to the narrative reason. If a person still got an honorable separation then they would have to prove they were discharged under the wrong provisions. If the characterization was not honorable then the reason or SPD may be tied to the RE code. It really depends on the exact reason and character of service.
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