Posted on Feb 20, 2018
Anybody have an tips on basic training at Fort Benning?
I just enlisted into the national guard as a 19D. I leave for basic on April the 18th. I'm going to fort benning. Any tips or insights would be really appreciated.
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 26
Clear your head. Do what you’re told to do and do it better and better. If you start feeling down just look around you; everyone there is taking a bite of the same shit sandwich you are.
As an E3/PFC you may be called upon to lead. Eagerly accept that and do your very best.
Don’t give up and don’t give in. Your team mates will be counting on you as you will be counting on them.
As an E3/PFC you may be called upon to lead. Eagerly accept that and do your very best.
Don’t give up and don’t give in. Your team mates will be counting on you as you will be counting on them.
Well, I did spend 2.5 years as a DS on Sand Hill. Keep your mouth closed and your ears open. Do what you are told to the best of your ability. You are going to get yelled at. You are going to be broken down. You are going to despise the retard next to you. But it will be you and your PLTs just to help square away that crayon eating PVT next to you and work together as a team. Get yourself prepared physically and mentally before you go. I had a PVT show up once and couldn’t do ONE sit-up. ONE! I couldn’t understand how he got out of bed in the morning unless he rolled off the side of his bunk and just hoped for the best. You don’t want to be that guy.
Can't speak to 19D OSUT at Benning, but I did have the pleasure of knowing 11B OSUT at Ft. Benning, so I'd say the following:
-Its hot & humid as hell. Hopefully you're used to that, if not, you'll acclimate, but until you do, it'll suck.
-Closely related to the above, is knowing you'll drink water. Lots of it. Not a drop will come from a bottle. Often it will be warm. Sometimes it'll be hot. Drink it anyway.
-Enjoy the wildlife. They have cockroaches you can ride for free (or for $200 you can convince a guy in your bay to eat one-we did); snakes; Fire Ants which hurt like hell when they bite; Brown Recluse spiders, which again, hurt like hell AND are a medical issue when they bite; coyotes; wild boar; and (apparently) alligators. And no, you cannot shoot any wildlife.
-Being a combat MOS OSUT at Benning, expect to live without your cellphone. Give it a hug, and say "good bye dear friend", and know that by the time you graduate, Apple and Samsung will have released new hardware making your old phone obsolete anyway. ;-)
-Run. Work on it, NOW!!!! Stop reading this and get you ass on the road, Time Now! To quote my old Drill Sergeant, "We're a runnin' Army!"
-Work in a ruck march or two as well. You'll be toting a heavy load and your weapon when your rucking in OSUT, so prepare for it.
-While you're at it, get warm & fuzzy with push-ups & sit-ups.
-Learn to eat fast. 'Nuf said.
-Check your ego at the door. You'll have a bigger one when you leave OSUT anyway.
-Its hot & humid as hell. Hopefully you're used to that, if not, you'll acclimate, but until you do, it'll suck.
-Closely related to the above, is knowing you'll drink water. Lots of it. Not a drop will come from a bottle. Often it will be warm. Sometimes it'll be hot. Drink it anyway.
-Enjoy the wildlife. They have cockroaches you can ride for free (or for $200 you can convince a guy in your bay to eat one-we did); snakes; Fire Ants which hurt like hell when they bite; Brown Recluse spiders, which again, hurt like hell AND are a medical issue when they bite; coyotes; wild boar; and (apparently) alligators. And no, you cannot shoot any wildlife.
-Being a combat MOS OSUT at Benning, expect to live without your cellphone. Give it a hug, and say "good bye dear friend", and know that by the time you graduate, Apple and Samsung will have released new hardware making your old phone obsolete anyway. ;-)
-Run. Work on it, NOW!!!! Stop reading this and get you ass on the road, Time Now! To quote my old Drill Sergeant, "We're a runnin' Army!"
-Work in a ruck march or two as well. You'll be toting a heavy load and your weapon when your rucking in OSUT, so prepare for it.
-While you're at it, get warm & fuzzy with push-ups & sit-ups.
-Learn to eat fast. 'Nuf said.
-Check your ego at the door. You'll have a bigger one when you leave OSUT anyway.
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