Posted on Feb 5, 2018
How does one volunteer for an Aide-de-Camp position? I think it would a good learning experience.
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 9
I did not volunteer. I never even thought about it, quite frankly. One day my CO said he had submitted my name and the next thing I knew orders were cut. It was a great experience. I was able to sit in on a lot of meetings I would never have had access to otherwise. Learned a lot.
Typically the CG solicits his formation for interested officers and requests that they apply with a bio, OERs, picture, and sometimes other items for him to decide who gets the gig.
I was selected to serve as an ADC. Some misconceptions on this thread. Yes, when a General Officer needs an Aide, a message will go out to all subordinate units and Brigade/Battalion Commanders will be asked to submit names. Now the officer does have a vote, no GO wants an Aide who doesn’t want the job. This is how it happened for me; An OPORD came down, the Brigade CDR asked for names, my name, ORB and last three OERs were submitted. They narrowed the group down to 4-5 officers, conducted interviews and then the General called each of us to tell us the results. I was selected and had one week to pack my stuff and report. It was a great assignment and not one a 2LT will be given (rarely a 1LT will get the opportunity) most GO want and Aide with troop time, PL, XO, Staff and even Command. BG will get a 1LT-CPT, MG will get CPT-MAJ, LTG will get 2 Aides, and a GEN will get three one usually being an LTC. Let me know if you like more info on my experience as an Aide.
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