Posted on Feb 2, 2018
What duty stations/units in the Army have a high mixture of garrison and field experiences?
Gals/gents, I'm EASing from the Marine Corps this year and I'm joining the Army. Currently an E-4 and I've been on both the Garrison (Law Enforcement) side as well as the field side and enjoy both thoroughly (field side a bit more). What duty stations / units in the Army have a high mixture of the two or just the field side?
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 6
It's just as the Marines are, it's all on where you go. Every unit is different and most work in cycles between the road and field so it's hard to really pinpoint who does what. I've been in for ten years and every unit I've been to did a little field work, but more road than field in my experience.
Most of the Signal Corps units that I was assigned to had plenty mixture of garrison duties and field exercises. But I'm from the old Army where painting rocks and raking gravel around the barracks' areas were commonplace. We also did a lot of drill and ceremonies, riot control training, as well as communication exercises before deploying to the field.
Field trips lasted from two weeks to a month in duration. But back to the garrison life, there were plenty of field display inspections both in and out of the barracks.
M.P.s are still in high demand with Signal and MI units whereby they would guard sensitive and classified containments both on and off post.
Forts Gordon and Bragg come to mind having mixtures of field and garrison activities.
Field trips lasted from two weeks to a month in duration. But back to the garrison life, there were plenty of field display inspections both in and out of the barracks.
M.P.s are still in high demand with Signal and MI units whereby they would guard sensitive and classified containments both on and off post.
Forts Gordon and Bragg come to mind having mixtures of field and garrison activities.
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