Posted on Feb 1, 2018
After the board, approx how long was it before you heard back on whether you were selected for AMEDD?
I do have the expectation that the whole process can take about 6+ months, from the moment the packet is sent off, to the moment you start drilling. However, my question for those who already went through the process is: Once the board met, approx how long was it before you heard back on whether you were selected?
Edited 7 y ago
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 7
Application in August, board in october, scroll in december, commission in January. Follow up respectfully and courteously and turn in your paperwork on time. I was first board of FY so it went quick.
1LT (Join to see)
Good Evening 1Lt Berry, if it is all consolent to you, I found out I was selected by the board a couple weeks ago. The waiting is the worst but the community I found on this site has helped tremendously. Feel free to message me, however 2LT Kyle B has been a wealth of insight into this process. Best of luck to you.
1LT(P) (Join to see)
CPT (Join to see) - I am currently a 1LT (P) AG Officer on AD since 2014, awaiting the results of the AMEDD board. Been going through this process for awhile now but I appreciate the feedback! Best of luck to you as well.
CPT (Join to see)
Apologies are in order then 1LT(P) (Join to see). I was operating under the assumption you were awaiting results of the direct commission board, not results for a branch change. Hope they come back soon!
1LT(P) (Join to see)
No worries! Branch transferring to AMEDD has definitely felt like "Direct Commissioning" as my recruiter has explained to me that the process is long, as if I have never spent a day on Active Duty. Its unfortunate the process is very strenuous and discouraging (with completing paperwork) but I am grateful to finally complete it. Thanks for the post!
Very slow process usually. I applied at the height of the two war push so it was a little faster because less people were applying. Everyone knew you would instantly be deployed. I knew and had no problem with that expectation. It’s the military. So with the current operational tempo perhaps it will be a little faster ie 9-12 months.
It was 15 months start to finish for me. I think it was about 5 months after the board until I was sworn in.
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