Posted on Jan 30, 2018
Does anybody have any advice on going from the Guard to active duty?
Was a GRFD (guaranteed reserve forces duty) scholarship recipient in ROTC. Currently in flight school and due to some big life changes for me, I've decided active duty is my best option. I caught wind that DOD is doing a big call to arms from NG soldiers and I've heard about title 10 and 32. Is this something that works out or would I be wasting my time? And would have to pay back the extra money.
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 4
2LT Isely is correct, your state may have some heartburn signing your conditional release (DA 638) after footing the bill for your flight training. You accepted a commission, so paying back a GRFD scholarship won’t be your issue.
Advice: Finish Flight School, and finish strong. I wouldn’t be blowing up your future training and readiness guy with intentions to pop smoke until you have a path lined up. An option you could pursue is come back to your state, RL Progress, and inquire about full time opportunities (AGR, Dual Status Federal Technician, or even short term ADOS - now called FTNG). Jumping to the Active Component due to “big life changes” isn’t necessarily a wise path. Going AC because you have a career path in mind is more sound than needing a pay check. There are full-time paychecks in the Guard. Additionally, major life changes don’t get easier when you supplement them with the AC’s “Needs of the Army.” When you get to your first Duty station, half the Aviators you’ll fly with will be chomping at the notion of the ARNG’s flexibility, more palatable OPTEMPO, and career control. Just my two cents. If you pursue an AC accession, and your State let’s you leave, you are putting your faith in remote career managers at HRC. There are options you can exercise that don’t burn a bridge with your state, but still land you full time pay and benefits. Good Luck!
Advice: Finish Flight School, and finish strong. I wouldn’t be blowing up your future training and readiness guy with intentions to pop smoke until you have a path lined up. An option you could pursue is come back to your state, RL Progress, and inquire about full time opportunities (AGR, Dual Status Federal Technician, or even short term ADOS - now called FTNG). Jumping to the Active Component due to “big life changes” isn’t necessarily a wise path. Going AC because you have a career path in mind is more sound than needing a pay check. There are full-time paychecks in the Guard. Additionally, major life changes don’t get easier when you supplement them with the AC’s “Needs of the Army.” When you get to your first Duty station, half the Aviators you’ll fly with will be chomping at the notion of the ARNG’s flexibility, more palatable OPTEMPO, and career control. Just my two cents. If you pursue an AC accession, and your State let’s you leave, you are putting your faith in remote career managers at HRC. There are options you can exercise that don’t burn a bridge with your state, but still land you full time pay and benefits. Good Luck!
2LT (Join to see) , your post was from two years ago. Did you ever get resolution for this issue?
It is really a state decision. I have a friend that applied for the CAD program. Her state signed her conditional release and everything worked out for her. It is a state decision. Make sure it is something you truly want to do and not because you enjoyed the TRADOC aspect of active duty. I know some active duty flight school graduates that were waitlisted for progression at their duty stations. Talk with your unit back home and find out if they do have full-time openings. Make sure you are having open conversations with your chain of command so they aren't blindsided with this.
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