Posted on Jan 28, 2018
When is the correct time to use the command "Fall In"?
I have heard several different opinion/answers from Senior NCO/Officers. Like it is only used for the first formation of the day, or it is only used if the subordinates are not organized around the formation leader. I reviewed Army TC 3-21.5, and I am still unsure. Are there any concrete answers?
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 7
That command would be used anytime You are not standing in a formation yet any time of day or night but the people needed are present in the area and ready to do so. It doesn't matter if its the first forming, they were on a break anytime they aren't in formation and You want them to form up.
My experience was that the command is used any time you want a group to get in to a formation when they are not already formed up. I'm not aware of any other formal command used for that.
The best time to do it is when a bunch of Privates are lollygagging around, minding their own business, maybe cleaning weapons or something and you're like 20 feet away behind them without them even know, something along those lines.
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