Posted on Nov 14, 2014
SGT Craig Northacker
Vets-Help has worked for almost 8 years to create coordinated programs for military, veterans and their families reintegrate into the world. We have undertaken a substantial project we are locating near Fort Bragg and Camp Lejeune, and a substantial number of other bases, Reserve and National Guard units - and, of course, veterans. We have vocational training, PTSD remediation, Moral Injury programs, medical facilities, job creation through our own industrial development and community development including independent and assisted living. What other programs would you like to see us provide? Please feel free to comment publicly, or to message me privately. This will be a $ 50 million investment.
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Responses: 4
PV2 Senior Web Designer, Web Team Lead
Some sort of program to allow for temporary emergency assistance. I think that is something that is missing. The long term is great but if a vet with mental, physical, or emotional issues is looking to be evicted or the heat turned off it's of no immediate use.
SGT Craig Northacker
SGT Craig Northacker
>1 y
Hi Lisa - great observations. We ran a trial program a couple of years ago, and what you described is exactly what we found. I wound up coming out of pocket personally to help pay for rents, utilities, food, etc, and we also decided to have large lunches every day so the families could come and eat at our school, and take home the leftovers. We are petitioning now to get FEMA trailers to upgrade and use for temporary quarters for veterans and their families, so we can help ensure the success of the program. We are also offering financial education programs, ensuring there are no tax problems, and helping structure family finances to help them be successful financially. We are partners with the IRS.
Thank you for your response and confirming essential services that are needed to make it work.
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SGT David Ortiz-González
Sounds like a great program. Anything in Puerto Rico for Reserves or Guard?
SGT Craig Northacker
SGT Craig Northacker
>1 y
Thanks - not yet - we had to overcome a bunch of fraud, but I absolutely want to do it there. Do you have any thoughts for putting one there?
SGT David Ortiz-González
SGT David Ortiz-González
>1 y
SGT Craig Northacker - I hadn't really given it any thought but it seems like something I would be doing eventually as a Clinical Social Worker. There is a large population of veterans here that I'm sure can benefit from this type of program. I'm open to any suggestions.
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SGT Craig Northacker
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