Posted on Nov 12, 2014
CW2 Joseph Evans
And you heard about a transition community that would provide up to 1 year of:
PTS(D)/depression counseling
Physical Therapy
Help filing for veteran/public assistance programs (medical/education/housing)
Job Training/Job Placement
A "tiny house" for 1
Community center with a Veterans Aid "clearing house"
Internet connectivity for online courses
support group meetings for AA/NA/other
Transportation to appointments/interviews/classes etc, not on site
All within walking distance...

In exchange they had to:
Stay clean and sober
Participate in PTS(D)/depression study for veterans (independent of the VA)
Put in 1-2 hours a day in "chores" for facility support
Do 4 hours a week community volunteer work in the larger community
Work with counselors and legal, actively and honestly, to resolve personal issues
Pay "rent" from public assistance for facility operation costs

In a community of up to 200 fellow disadvantaged veterans and volunteers...

Would you use it? Would you recommend it? Would you support it?
Do you have any suggestions?
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Responses: 14
SGT Richard H.
I'd support it and recommend it if I knew someone who needed it.

My only questions based on the info given are with regard to 'public assistance'. Where is that coming from? What types of public assistance do you anticipate? Is the 'rent' scalable based on the amount of public assistance and the Vet's ability to pay? (i.e..if the vet had family to support or debt, etc.)
CW2 Joseph Evans
CW2 Joseph Evans
10 y
Good questions.
VA housing program for homeless vets, Welfare, determining if a VA medical disability claim needs to be filed, SSI, help filing the paperwork...
Rent is scalable. the program would help them to generate a positive revenue flow, so anything beyond the rent should be more than they were bringing in (paying out) before they joined the program. The plan is to get them financially stable.

Thank you for those questions.
SGT Richard H.
SGT Richard H.
10 y
CW2 Joseph Evans I would love to see this get off the ground. The overall concept sounds somewhat like it's modeled after "Job Corps", or at least my very limited knowledge of it. Job Corps in and of itself has been a successful and useful concept for a long time, so building from that model with added features designed around Vets should be a very workable and helpful addition to the community.
MSG Floyd Williams
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CPT Richard Riley
That approach sounds like a good option for many who could benefit from the program. Your survey only permits one selection yet I would have checked multiple answers. That said, I would be interested to see the program outline to examine if there is the ability to duplicate the model in other venues.

I believe you've mentioned this on at least one other thread so I may have missed something along the way. If that's the case you have my apology for the oversight.
CW2 Joseph Evans
CW2 Joseph Evans
10 y
I'm really pushing this as a "proof of concept". If I can build a successful program, it will be scalable and reproducible. With nearly 1.5 million veterans living in poverty, and 60 thousand on the street, there will be no shortage of eligible candidates for the program.
And I am looking for people to poke holes in the idea now, rather than have to deal with them once money and resources are committed.
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SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
All of the above for need and plus therapy and getting a home... I reference you a lot.
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