Posted on Jan 5, 2018
SGT(P) Executive Assistant
In 2009 I was awarded a CAB as a medic organic to an infantry unit. It's my understanding that this is a no no, and I rated only a CMB or nothing at all. My question is, my unit didn't think I earned the CMB because we only took small arms and indirect fire, with no injuries... But the requirements for CMB state "performed medical duties while under fire" that could mean a plethora of things.
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Responses: 21
SFC Platoon Sergeant
I wouldn’t consider it a no no. The CAB, while it was originally intended for individuals who were not eligible for the CMB/CIB, can be awarded to anyone that engages or is engaged by the enemy. This of course includes indirect fire. It’s not common, but not unheard of to have both. I personally have both the CAB and the CMB. It could be argued as you said that you performed your medical duties while being engaged by the enemy. As for it being retroactively changed I’m unsure if this is possible. I do know that you can’t be awarded both for the same qualifying events. In my opinion if you feel that you should have been awarded the CMB instead or better yet, if you have a different qualifying event that would be even better. I don’t know who you talked to at HRC, but that isn’t soldier care. You might request to talk to someone else.
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CPL Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
After reading AR 600-8-22, it appears that if a medic is assigned to a combat arms unit, they are not eligible for the CAB. They have to perform their medical duties satisfactorily while actively engaged in order to be awarded the CMB. Depending on who interprets that, a medic being in a firefight does not qualify for any type of badge assuming they are attached to a combat arms unit.

8–7. Combat Medical Badge
(6) The sole criterion that qualifies medical personnel for award of the CMB is to be assigned or attached to an
infantry, combat arms, or combat aviation unit engaged in active ground combat

8–8. Combat Action Badge
"(4) Soldier must not be assigned or attached to a unit that would qualify the Soldier for the CIB and/or CMB. For
example, an infantryman (MOS 11B) assigned to Corps staff is eligible for award of the CAB. However, an
infantryman assigned to an infantry BN is not eligible for award of the CAB."
SGT(P) Executive Assistant
SGT(P) (Join to see)
7 y
Yeah, I've studied the reg multiple times... as much as HRC would like to say it's cut and dry to me.... it's not...

It's left open to interpretation, leaving units kinda coming up with their own pseudo rules as to who gets it...
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SPC Erich Guenther
If you want an official reading and answer from the Army on medals awarded and criteria used. You can submit your case to the Army Board on Correction of Military records. I am not sure this will help you now for a medal awarded in 2009 but submission is free and if it is really bothering you, why not spend a few minutes and fill out the form. The downside is of course is I am not sure they can do award swaps, so it might be if they agree with lose the CAB without a replacement. Maybe they can........I have no idea and it is your risk to take.
MSG David Johnson
MSG David Johnson
>1 y
I would recommend the Army Awards Board as the first avenue, the ABCMR is pretty much a last ditch in my personal opinion.
From personal experience.
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