Posted on Nov 10, 2014
SGT 94 E Radio Comsec Repairer
I enjoy the fact that I still get to hear reveille and retreat on weekends. I'm close to the gym and DFAC (dining facility), so it's easy to live healthfully. With the CQ (Charge of Quarters) being downstairs and having cameras in the hallways, I'm not likely to be robbed.

I hear people complain all the time about living in the barracks, but it has its advantages. Which aspect of barracks living do you miss? If you currently live in the barracks, what do you appreciate?
Posted in these groups: Vc iwcc w415 BarracksHeader Housing
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Responses: 85
SGT Richard H.
I mostly just miss the free room & board. You don't really realize how much that stuff costs until you get out. =P
SGT 94 E Radio Comsec Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
SGT Richard H.,

Indeed, that's the best part! Having only a cell phone bill to pay, I've saved so much money since I came to Korea. With a free shuttle bus to take us anywhere on post, we don't even have to pay for gas! I love riding to the USO and the rec center.
PO3 Hospital Corpsman (Hm)
PO3 (Join to see)
>1 y
Yup definitely the no rent!!!
SPC Robert Patrick
SPC Robert Patrick
5 y
You think it's free room and board until you realize that if there were no Barracks the army would actually give you bah which is significantly more than the room was worth.
SSG Kenneth Lanning
SSG Kenneth Lanning
>1 y
SPC Robert Patrick - To an extent (and depending on location) you're right, but you have to figure in deposit, first/last month rent, electricity, water, sewage, garbage, the amount you save on commute to work (cash, vehicle wear/tear, and time), free security, almost all barracks are walking distance to prettry much everywhere, and you don't have to pay for furniture. Now for the cynical side from me living in the barracks for 7 years - room inspections, GI parties, not ever feeling like you're off work, "hey YOU!" details, CQ / staff duty being in your shit, curfews, the aching knowledge that three guys on full BAH living together in a 3-bed house would make BANK off of it...
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SGT Senior Musician
I miss the camaraderie. I never did anything alone. Always had a buddy to go eat out with, catch a movie with, etc. Also, the BBQ's. We grilled at least twice a month.
LCpl John Lewis
LCpl John Lewis
8 y
Agreed I missed the camaraderie,,going to the enlisted club, barracks had a pool table and someone was always up for a game, had a problem at first till I got used to the snoring and people walking about at all hours but I adjusted.
SPC John Leite
SPC John Leite
5 y
Yep, our mess hall had very good food, (civilian contract) and our barracks had a pretty well equipped game room, some times we might hang out and watch a movie in the lounge, or hang out in our room drink beer and play cards, other times we may go out to the lake and get a bonfire going or take a hike at the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge and it was nice that my friends were always right there. I really enjoyed my time at Ft. Sill, OK. 1975 - 1977 as a 17B20
SPC Randy Plessinger
SPC Randy Plessinger
>1 y
(1) I miss working first shift and waking up in the middle of the night to the sound of pretty German girls visiting our room. I miss having my rent and utilities paid for. I miss buddies dropping by my room for a drink. I especially want to thank all the guys who were constantly getting in trouble and had to pull CQ. I never had to. Best times of my life.
SGT Charles Wheeler
SGT Charles Wheeler
>1 y
Sometimes I'd go off and do my own thing, but usually myself and one or two friends would head out to see what kind of 'mischief' we could stir up. In AIT when we started to get passes we were told about the less reputable establishments. So...where did we go?
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PO2 Disabled Veteran Outreach Program
Nothing. Not the drunk idiot that rode an electric scooter around at 0300. Not the room inspections at 1000 when I had just gotten to sleep after mid check. Not the limited hours of the galley for said mid-checkers and inability to cook for myself. Nope. I hated the barracks.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
And you had it better than I did when I joined the Navy 1957. Agree with your nothing comment. OK, it was cheap and when I returned to them after making second class, I did get a private space.
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