I'm concerned that a number of folks who have been recently pretty active are now MIA. Can we please check-in and let each other know if we are doing OK? I've been sick recently and haven't kept up as much as I would like but am still concerned nonetheless.
Has anyone heard from Ray Britt or James Scyzmanski lately? These two gentlemen were pretty active and now they seem to be MIA.
If there is anyone else you are concerned about let's tag them and see if we can find out what's going on and see if they are okay. I don't want to see anyone get lost in the shuffle if they need something.
Thanks in advance!
Has anyone heard from Ray Britt or James Scyzmanski lately? These two gentlemen were pretty active and now they seem to be MIA.
If there is anyone else you are concerned about let's tag them and see if we can find out what's going on and see if they are okay. I don't want to see anyone get lost in the shuffle if they need something.
Thanks in advance!
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 11
PV2 (Join to see) , you mention one of the roles of a Veteran Service Officer, that is checking on veteran's. You are our Virtual Veteran Service Officer :). Thanks for your concern for our brothers and sisters....
SSG (Join to see)
SPC David W. I imagine that that would be appropriate. In the Legion and VFW these individuals do not hold a rank, simply the title...
Let us think positive and just maybe this is a short break like so many take from pounding the keys. Checking in on members is a worthwhile effort. Did anyone perceive distress or flat responses prior to a loss of contact that would lead you to believe an issue exists?
That said, reaching out and following up are terrific reminders that we all have our fellow members 6 - and that is a good thing.
Keep the thread active and update information as able. Above all stay positive. It would be a monumental task to monitor a few hundred thousand members for activity abbreviations. Keep your heads and be diligent.
That said, reaching out and following up are terrific reminders that we all have our fellow members 6 - and that is a good thing.
Keep the thread active and update information as able. Above all stay positive. It would be a monumental task to monitor a few hundred thousand members for activity abbreviations. Keep your heads and be diligent.
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