Posted on Dec 20, 2017
What are the differences, pros and cons of the Army Reserves vs Florida or Georgia National Guard?
I would like to know the differences between them as well as benefits for each. Trying to go in as an officer through ROTC.
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 9
Daniel along with the answers given in general there's more "politics" in the guard then the Reserves. Having worked with a number of former guard officers that transitioned from guard to Reserves it's something to consider. Unlike active duty you have to learn how and where units are in order to promote into the next rank as well. Having started as combat arms on active duty it gives a good background. If you consider what your gonna do on the civilian side a reserve commission allows you to move from state to state without having to go thru the extra process of getting state recognition much less the extra hoops you have to go thru when transferring between states.
Depends on what you want to branch. The ARNG is primarily made up of combat arms units. The USAR is primarily made up of combat support units.
Do you have a school (college) in mind / that you are accepted at? If you are looking at being a SMP (simultaneous membership) Cadet and pursuing one of the reserve compinent scholarships - GRFD or the like, the best thing to do would be to engage the ROTC Dept. at that school - they can talk to you specifically about the RC units they have good relationships with - either NG or USAR, and make a recommendation on the best fit! Good Luck!!
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