Posted on Dec 20, 2017
Can a leave form be stopped before the Commander's approval/denial?
IAW AR 600-8-10 table 4-2 a Soldier will obtain chain of command recommendation in block 12 and forward to unit commander for approval.
(or designee) for approval.
My question is where can I find what happens when the leave is not recommended and can a supervisor refuse to process it?
(or designee) for approval.
My question is where can I find what happens when the leave is not recommended and can a supervisor refuse to process it?
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 4
No. Commanders are the only people who have the authority to approve or deny leave. However, the process often gets messed up. Many subordinate leaders will often stop a leave request before reaching the Commander's desk if they don't recommend their approval. They think that's appropriate, but it's not. They should forward the request to the Commander with their recommendation for disapproval, and then let the Commander make the decision (that is vested within their authority).
SFC (Join to see)
I understand that and have read it several times. I am looking for where it says that as a supervisor I can stop a leave form from seeing the commander for approval or a statement saying that the leave form will be processed regardless of being recommended or not.
SFC (Join to see)
The commander is the supervisor since the leave is 30 days so it has to go up to the next level. The commander is stopping the leave form.
LTC Kevin B.
SFC (Join to see) - You won't find the former ("I can stop a leave form from seeing the commander for approval") and the latter is unnecessary ("will be processed regardless of being recommended or not."). If it is submitted, it should go to the commander with all subordinate recommendations. If the "supervisor" refuses to send it up to the "commander" for approval, they are setting theirself up for a major IG or CoC complaint that would be completely legitimate.
The leave approval authority has the final say!!! Supervisors, PSGs, 1SGs, etc. can recommend disapproval all they want, but it has to go to the approval authority for final disposition.
Speaking as a former Senior NCO, you can put in for leave till the cows come home and it must be forwarded to the CDR. And based on the unit's leave policy and mission and your ACTIONS, your chain of NCO/Command can object/counsel denial for a long time. If the Commander has denied it, it is probably in a file in the orderly room, just so barracks lawyers can't go to the IG. Now if you were denied leave, you could use the open door policy with the 1Sg/CO to see why, or just ask your Plt LDR/PSG
SFC (Join to see)
I am trying to find in a regulation that states it has to gobup to the commander. We have a CSM that says that is not true and that the leave form can stop at the supervisor level. I can't find anything in AR 600-8-10 that states that. I have always heard that it has to go up regardless of recommendations but can't find it in black and white. He said that only pertains to a 4187.
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