Posted on Dec 14, 2017
SFC Josh Billingsley
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Responses: 30
MSgt Richard Randall
The term “Net Neutrality” is very deceptive. There is really nothing “neutral” about it. The Obama administration placed ISPs under FCC Title II regulations meaning the internet infrastructure would be governed as a public utility. I worked for a telecom provider for a few years and had to deal with Title II with various state PUCs. What a freaking nightmare. Title II, combined with Sarbanes-Oxley, caused so much overhead it was difficult to make a profit. The bottom line is, once the government gets their grubby mitts on the internet infrastructure they’ll be the ones calling the shots. They’ll be able to regulate content, delivery locations as well as delivery speed. Smaller ISPs will not be able to survive because the overhead will be too great. There were no complaints about the internet access or speed before 2015 but Obama figured there was a goldmine in hidden taxes and fees to be had if they could snag onto the net.
MSgt Nondestructive Inspection (NDI)
MSgt (Join to see)
7 y
This... we had the internet before “net neutrality” and will still have it now. How many of us had the internet before 2015? My unternet worked just fine before then. Net neutrality didn’t lower my bill at all.
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
7 y
I agree. I've been on the internet for a long time and never saw a problem with the ISP's wanting to regulate content and there were always enough choice to push innovation to keep your customers.
PFC Sandra Wade
PFC Sandra Wade
>1 y
I am in disagreement with theses replies to the post. Some simply reply in disdain for our previous administration or President. The idea behind intervention was to stop the ISP's from charging more for speed and disallowing companies from the capture of your information. Now, unfortunately. we are again held hostage for unfair practices. Also our internet security/ Privacy. The situation we have now, is more so as one poster eluded. $$$$ money greedy corporations can spoon feed you what they feel you may desire. Pimp their product and charge you more for services.
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CPT Jack Durish
A fair question. I fear that it is a bad thing, in fact a very bad thing. What surprises me is that it will greatly mute the very voices that helped this Administration win its election. Thus, it seems a very unwise move on their part
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
7 y
Hmm, another side I didn't consider...
SFC Joseph Weber
SFC Joseph Weber
7 y
Especially if my Netflix stars buffering all the time!
CPT Patrick Butler
CPT Patrick Butler
>1 y
Read post before this one, adding government not good, freedom smaller ISPs good
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LTC Multifunctional Logistician
Wait. Didn't we have the internet before Obama? The law was in effect for 2 years. What was its intended purpose? Some snowflakes will state the sky is falling while others believe it is a good thing to reduce government influence and instead allow the free market to work and allow the People to decide.
SPC David Willis
SPC David Willis
7 y
PO3 Bob McCord well this is a discussion about the internet, and not health care. Is internet the most important thing in the world? No. But seeing as how it's actually on topic I'd say it's a relevant point. Also I'm not sure why you'd want to move to Detroit or Chicago, I'm guessing it's probably just another attempt to steer a valid discussion off topic.
SPC David Willis
SPC David Willis
7 y
I never said all rural internet is garbage I simply said I've experienced it. I'm glad a couple people here have had good experiences, but that doesn't mean people's options aren't already limited.
SSG Robert Webster
SSG Robert Webster
7 y
SPC David Willis - "I never said all rural internet is garbage I simply said I've experienced it." Actually that is what you implied by your statements. And if you have experienced it as described for your relative recently, then I do wonder as to what type of connection that they are using. AND it makes me wonder whether it is just being downloaded and then viewed OR if it is being viewed as a stream during download. That can make all the difference in the world.
You definitely want to read my other comment to you about providers.
MAJ Kahren Aydinyan
MAJ Kahren Aydinyan
7 y
I just want to be able to browse what I want, when I want it, without having to pay for a "package". Is that really too much to ask for?
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