Posted on Dec 7, 2017
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Basically I'm having a debate with someone about specialty officer by which I mean Judge Advocates and Medical being able to command a Company or a Battalion. I know of two Company Commanders that are Judge Advocates for example. One is a Commander of a JAG Company for AIT and the entire Company, Instructors, PSG's, 1SG, and XO are all JAG. The other Company is a regular Company with a JA as its Commander. My understanding is that this is allowed but is rare, and the other persons understanding is that it's against regulation. We can't find a regulation stating that though.
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Responses: 7
MAJ Operations Research/Systems Analysis (Orsa)
Not against regulation, but definitely rare. Usually what happens when you find a JAG lawyer or a doctor or a nurse in command is that they sought out those opportunities or someone noticed them and coaxed them to interview for command. I have a friend who was a physical therapist who commanded a Charlie med company in a BSB.
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To be honest Sir, I never thought that Officers sought out Commands but it makes sense when I think of things on the Enlisted side in regards to Boards, etc.
MAJ Operations Research/Systems Analysis (Orsa)
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Most officers have to complete what is known as “key development time” and depending on your branch, command is a part of that. Some branches, like MI do not require command for KD but it’s always better to have it, especially for promotion or selection to special programs. Even specialty officers have to get promoted so it’s good to have diversity in your resume for the promotion board.
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CPT Physical Therapist
On the medical side they definitely can, but as others have pointed out the opportunities are pretty limited. Some of the training companies where I'm at now are run by medical officers (Med Spec Corps, Nurse Corps, etc). I've also heard of PTs being in charge of AMEDD recruiting companies or even BNs. In my speciality we can can run a clinic or even the Dept of Rehab as well. It may be different for Docs, but in my AOC I believe you pretty much have to have some sort of formal leadership experience to make it past MAJ.
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I imagine moving up in the Medical field is similar to JAG Sir. It seems like it's harder to move up in certain fields due to limited positions until someone upstairs moves out. Regarding the National Guard I think it would explain why Officers would seek out other opportunities to help them gain experience.
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CW5 Edward "Tate" Jones Jr.
Edited >1 y ago
Simply put, YES! Even Warrant Officers can command. I had command a 350 man Maintenance Company as a CW3.
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Actually while you're here Chief I hope you can answer this question for me. Warrant Officer 1 does have a Warrant issued by the Secretary of the Army, however the Chiefs CW2 - CW5 are technically Commissioned Officers are they not?

Also as a follow up question, I've heard that there is a CW6 rank that has been proposed but is shelved. Kind of like the General of the Army and General of the Armies ranks that exist but are not used anymore. Is that true?
CW5 Edward "Tate" Jones Jr.
CW5 Edward "Tate" Jones Jr.
>1 y
First, you are correct. CW2 and above are Commissioned Officers. As for CW6, it has been on the back burner since the 90s. I am not optimistic that it will happen any time soon. Will take an act of Congress, literally.
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That's what I had heard, I was reading an article regarding an idea about making a CW6 as a representative for the Warrant Officer Corps similar to the Sergeant Major of the Army. Of course if that were to happen the other Branches would have to do the same thing.
SSG Environmental Specialist
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Sir my petroleum company was commanded by a WO3 because we did not have any other officers. I also was on active duty for the WTU and our XO was Jag, he took over the company when our commander moved up to take over the battalion.
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