Posted on Nov 6, 2014
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
Happy veterans day pictures
We have had some spirited debates and whether I agree with you or not, I will listen. 95% (winging it) of our members I consider friends. We all served in one capacity or another.

During these debates we sometimes get innuendo at another person's ability, comprehension and whatever else that can be construed as mean-spirited, vindictive, et al.

Please do not pigeon-hole people about their values and their passion on a topic. Remember that one day, we all face our own mortality and it is then that we wish we treated all people and especially veterans and SMs in the best way we can. I was holding my father's hand when he died of cancer. He had his bad points but the good outweighed the bad by far. If we have the courage to look for good instead of the bad.

I get passionate too and I believe in what I say, wrongly or rightly depending on your take and study on these ideas and issues. Politics and religion can be toxic and so keep that in mind when you attack values as ignorant and right or left wing.

I love you all and mean that as I see veterans pass on a daily basis and I feel we are community of heroes in our right, to our children and hopefully to Military members, their families and their pets. loll. Had to add that.. cat lover too!

My dad always said, "You get more bees with honey". Let's make that a priority and I will try to keep in mind, what I just said.
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Responses: 12
PO1 Steven Kuhn
I have expressed the same sentiment (though not quite so eloquently) in my posts where I have tried to calm down antagonistic individuals who did not agree with what I had to say. While I did not agree with some of their thoughts, I respected their right to their own opinion. What I posted may be considered controversial, but I love our country and felt the question needed to be addressed. Posting it on this site was done because I felt the caliber of individuals on this site was of a higher moral and integrity leveled base due to our shared service. I hope that people will read your post, take it to heart, and respond to others with the respect everyone on here deserves. Thank you for the post SSgt (Join to see)
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
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PO1 Steven Kuhn You are more than welcome! 247
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CW5 Desk Officer
Great post, SSgt (Join to see). You should get scores of up-votes on that sentiment. Extremely nicely put! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
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CW5 (Join to see) My deepest respects. ty
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PO2 Jonathan Scharff
Here! Here! I thank you as well for your service SSgt (Join to see).
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
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PO2 Jonathan Scharff I go to the VA and when I see him an old vet alone or lonely I talk to them because these elderly veterans were soldiers and many WWII and this includes prominently the Tuskegee Airman and I talk the office from time to time.

I am arranging for the survivors and their families to be honored during a future Bowl-A-Thon. I was so honored to talk to their staff about my respect for these awesome pilots and support staff. The Diversity strengthens us collectively and I thank God for the people I have met and was friends with including a person from Trinidad. Really smart guy too!!
SGT Team Leader
SGT (Join to see)
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Every Wednesday and Friday, where I worked, I'd see these vets, these old men in wheelchairs, come in. They'd have on their WWII vet caps. Most of them were hard-of-hearing, but I'd come around the counter, crouch down, and look them in the eyes.
"Sir, thank you for your service."
The look in their eyes is priceless. I'd ask questions, and could see that wheelchair, the present, falling away...and they were young warriors again, describing to me, the most wonderful, beautiful, stories of survival.
The most poignant poetry of American culture isn't necessarily found on sheets of paper, but from the minds of our brothers-and sisters in arms...if only we will listen :)
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