Posted on Nov 30, 2017
SGT Joseph Gunderson
Have you spoken to your family about your experience in the military? If you have deployed, are you able to talk to them about it? How do they react when you discuss the events that have taken place and the experiences that you have had, both good and bad?
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Responses: 11
SPC Diana D.
SGT Joseph Gunderson I come from a military family and thought that we had talked about everything but that all changed when my son got shipped to Iraq. My father, who was a veteran, did not serve in any conflicts, and I never served in any conflicts. Today's military is a totally different ballgame!!
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SGT Philip Roncari
In my case very little,outside of some humorous incidents that took place in training and Vietnam,in the latter I only feel comfortable on sites as RP and my battalion web site or CIB association site mostly because I feel my memories would only be relevant to those who have served,
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SGT Philip Roncari Phillip, this has been my experience also. I would not share the horrors with civilians or family. I too talk about safe topics like the food or training.
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SPC Member
Pretty sure they don't like it. I didn't even get letters in basic, and I'm fairly certain I won't get packages or letters if deployed. I don't think they support the fact that my brother and I joined up. Outside of military stuff they're supportive and want to help it seems, but anything involving the military is, "Well you chose to join". I've discovered I have two families, my brothers and my civilian family. If I need to talk about Army stuff, I go to my battles. If I need to talk about other stuff I go to my family.

I had a Sergeant who said if Soldiers aren't bitching they're not having fun. It's kinda true when I think about it. When we get together to have some fun, we bitch about stuff. Things that happened in the field, or in my case basic stories. To my family it seems like we're complaining rather than telling a story that we're all getting a laugh out of. Sometimes a response is, "if you hate it so much why don't you get out?" Maybe there's a gap that I haven't been able to bridge, maybe it can't be bridged. They also surprise me at times when they talk about being proud, and then there's some bitterness to it for me because if they were so proud why can't they communicate?

Went on for a bit there, anyway I'm learning that there's other support channels besides traditional family. On top of that, my brother and I share even more now both having joined up. My sister-in-law is about to have my nephew. We're surrounded by friends who have or do serve if not in the military than in police or fire so I see good things down the road.
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