Posted on Nov 5, 2014
SSG Instructor/Writer
I like to know why is it that the greater majority of the SMA's selected are Combat Arms (ie..Infantry)? I understand that the primary mission of the Army is to close with and destroy the enemy but I think that once you get to that level of leadership, it shouldn't matter too terribly much what MOS you were prior to. Granted, combat arms have most often held the job, but when and where do we expect to see a change in that?
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Responses: 8
COL Strategic Plans Chief
I appologize, but I'm's my response to another comment, concern would be that, as you stated, the purpose of the armed forces is to apply the will of America on its enemies...violently. This action is the realm of the Combat Arms. I would want a CSM who understood that. Not just peripherally as something he/she has seen, but something they have practiced and trained for. Diversity in this instance is not a reason to select someone for a position in which will exert amazing influence over how the Army trains and equips its fighting force. We certainly need a CSM in the Cyber Command...oh wait...CSM Rodney Harris is an infantryman. We deal in the application of violence. I want a CSM who is a master at its application. Diversity to me would be seeing an african american CSA, or a hispanic CSA, or a female CSA. As long as they came up in the Combat Arms and were experts at the use of high velocity munitions to end the life of another human being.
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SGT Richard H.
For starters, I'd say that part of it is sheer numbers. Think of it from the Battalion up. There's maybe one support Battalion for every three or four Combat arms on up the line for brigades to divisions, etc.....sheer numbers are dominated by combat arms.
Then there's tactical experience at progressively higher levels. A CSM doesn't ONLY advise the commander on morale and welfare. Combat Arms produces CSMs who have "closed with and destroyed the enemy" all the way from PV1 to CSM.
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1LT Infantry Officer
Edited 10 y ago
Numbers, yo.

Look at the CSM positions, they're all 00Z, right? That means they're MOS immaterial. However, they're staffed by DA boards that pick people based on their CMF. Very few CMFs have multiple 6O MOS fields. 89 series is one of them. The slots for BN and BDE are based on your CMF. If you're a 36, 42, 88, 89, 91, or 94 (sustainment); welcome to the BSB/CSSB/TRADOC equivalent.

Who is the senior raters for every BSB (BN) and SB (BDE) CSM? A commanding officer in Maneuvers, Fires, and Effects (MFE).

The development CSM positions that give you the sweet ASIs for senior enlisted progression (seriously, read DA PAM 611-21 on, your mind will be blown) aside, let's look at the SGM spots. DA PAM 611-21 chapter 9 mandates a "within CMF percentage of paygrade to paygrade" of less than one percent for each SGM specific CMF, but here's simple numbers: FMSweb ( lists 600 (!) SGM positions for 11Zs and 9 for 94Zs.

EDIT: The final paragraph of the original post was a jab at the combat arms and support divide. My wording was flippant and poorly chosen. This was wrong and I apologize.
SSG Sara Sutton
SSG Sara Sutton
10 y
I think that this may be one area where you and I may just agree to disagree at one of the finer points. I swore the oath 18+ yrs ago (and several times since) and I am very aware of the words. I will always respect the officers appointed over me, in my field I have direct access to both officers and senior enlisted. So I'll just leave it at that.
CW2 Humint Technician
CW2 (Join to see)
10 y
Good professional choice. Edited. Thanks bud.
1LT Infantry Officer
1LT (Join to see)
10 y
SFC Jones, thank you. I was mad when I first read your reply and then I realized that you're completely right.
I reread what I wrote, it was crass and objectively disrespectful. My intent and message were lost to me being a raging a-hole. I'm sorry for what I did, but that doesn't make it better.

What I meant to say was this:

I am worried that the average Soldier will not heed the guidance (as differentiated from the orders) of a non-Combat Arms SMA. I heard the vitriol that people are spewing toward SMA Chandler and I remember some of my seniors remarking that SMA Preston was a "damned leg" with no special schools or assignments that they respected. I can only imagine the pushback an AG, TC, or QM SMA would face.
CW2 Humint Technician
CW2 (Join to see)
10 y
Gotcha, much better (my post edited as well). And quite frankly, I was a little over the top in my correction, but I looked at your profile and saw all these officers that thought highly of you...and to see you say that wasn't the best way to convey your message.

I'm sure we all think it sometimes, and honestly they think it of us (we say they are young and stupid in our head and they say we are old and uneducated and won't change in theirs) just as much.

Aside from good natured ribbing, we just gotta be careful what we say (all of us, officers included).

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