Posted on Nov 5, 2014
SFC Network Engineer
Elections  and voter fraud   what we can do about it
My analysis of elections, voter fraud, and how we, as a country, can nearly 100% eliminate it...

Tonight, on the way home from my current job as a network administrator, I was listening to late night talk (you know the one - the one that is always talking about UFOs and Bigfoot...) Anyway, tonight the topic was voter fraud. George Noory (the host) had a guest on who was discussing how voter fraud is always going to be a problem, no matter what country you live in, or what voting procedures you have...

I found myself in complete disagreement. Sure, under current standards, with the technology we are currently fielding, we don't have a way to stop voter fraud, especially when states refuse to require people to have IDs so you can vouch that they are the actual people casting a ballot. I'm not trying to get into a political debate on this though... what I'm trying to point out, is that there is a way to stop voter fraud dead... as in, almost IMPOSSIBLE to commit. That's right... nearly impossible.

Here's how it works: Anyone in IT, is (or should be) familiar with the Public and Private key infrastructure that we use to encrypt and decrypt messages, as well as generating a hash value. Think of a package, within a package, within a package, and so on, much like the Russian wooden dolls that are hollow, and each time you open one, there's another doll inside it.. similar concept.. I know, this is complicated, so if you don't care, fine, but I do, and I think this will work 99-100%!

What we need to do, as a country/state, whatever, is every person should be able to pick up a Driver's license or state ID (even if it is subsidized) that proves who they say they are - let's call it a Personal ID or PID. Embedded in the PID, should be a smart chip. On the chip, just like on our CAC and PIV cards, is the person's encrypted private key, their public key, and a hash key. For those of you who don't understand this, bear with me for a minute.

When a person goes to vote, whether through a polling station, the internet, whatever, they insert their PID into the slot just like we do with a DoD CAC or PIV. They then cast their vote. When their vote is cast, several things happen:

First, the persons vote is recorded, and then encrypted with the person's private key. The only way to change it, is using the private key. However, you can decrypt it and read what was cast with the public key - just bear that in mind for a moment. So here's our package [encrypted vote]<-using person's private key

Second: The encrypted vote, combined with some personal identification values and the person's public key, is then hashed (that is, a hash is generated using the person's hash key).
Now our package looks like this: ([encrypted vote] + [personal id values] + [person's public key]) x [personal hash key] = [personal hash value]

Third: the encrypted vote, the person's ID values, the person's public key, and the person's hash are ALL encrypted using the Government's (or voting authority - doesn't matter what you call it) Public Key (yes, this is important, the government/voting authority must have both a public and private key, and a hash key as well). What this does is makes the info that was encrypted, unreadable UNLESS you have the private key for the voting authority.

Our package now looks like this: {[encrypted vote] + [personal id values] + [Personal hash key] + [Personal hash value] + [person's public key]} = [encrypted package] <-- using voting authority's public key

Fourth: The data is then REHASHED using the government's Hash key. [encrypted package] x [Voting Auth Hash Key] = [VA Hash Value]

Fifth: The encrypted data, and the generated hash are then both sent to the voting authority. So now our package: ([Encrypted package]+[VA Hash Value]) sent to Voting Auth.

Sixth: The voting authority, using their hash key, re-hashes the encrypted package, the same as step four above. This should create the exact same hash key, which verifies that the encrypted data was NOT tampered with during transmission to the Voting Authority.

SO [encrypted package] x [Voting Auth Hash Key] should still = [VA Hash Value]

The package can now be stripped of the hash value that was sent with it:
[Encrypted Package]

7th: The Voting Authority takes private key that belongs to them, decrypts the data. Since the package was sent with the VA's public key, the only key that can decrypt it is the private key the VA has. This gets them to here:

[encrypted vote] + [personal id values] + [person's hash key] + [person's hash value] + [person's public key] <-- decrypted with VA's private key.

8th: The voting authority can take the person's hash key, and re-hash the encrypted votes with that person's ID values - if the encrypted vote data and the person's ID data was not tampered with, the hash key should generate the SAME hash value that was sent with all the other data to them.

So ([encrypted vote] + [personal id] + [person's public key]) x [personal hash] should still = [personal hash value]

9th: Since the hash value they generated above should be the same as what was transmitted, the VA can now decrypt the encrypted vote using the person's public key.

The entire process does the following: 1) It makes the vote unalterable. If it is altered, the hash values change and won't match. 2) it makes the vote irrefutable - the person can't say they didn't cast the ballot, because their personal ID is tied to the vote. 3) it makes the the vote nearly 100% unforge-able. Because the vote is tied to the person's personal data that only they will have, it can't be forged and if it is, the person can almost 100% prove they didn't send the vote. 4) no one on either end can tamper with the vote results, and if they do it becomes instantly obvious. 5) LAST, and most important, it makes it so that if there is EVER a question about the vote, an independent party can come in and verify all of the above.

So for those of you who understood every step I described above, what do you think? Leave me some feedback or vote below!



Marc Wayman
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Responses: 26
CPT Jason Torpy
There is no voter fraud. There's no bigfoot. There's no UFOs. Benghazi was a tragedy but an isolated incident. There's no ISIS in the US. Obama is a Christian born in Hawaii not a Muslim born in Kenya. Ebola is downright hard to contract. All these things and voter fraud are just part of the Republican machine of lies intended to get poor people to vote against their own interests and in favor of war and greed.
PO1 John Pokrzywa
PO1 John Pokrzywa
10 y
LTC (Join to see) I think the answer is obvious, electronically programmed voting machines are a very new thing; in theory they are unbiased, but a bias is only a line of computer code away.
On the other hand, mandatory voter identification crossed with a registered voter list can solve multiple issues. The woman on the news who bragged about voting several times for Obama (it's an election, lady, not the lotto) would have only been able to vote once. Districts that reported over 100% for Obama... would not have.
And in areas with enormous masses of illegal aliens, (who also vote illegally) we would be able to see what actual citizens wishes were, and perhaps there would be some attempt at stopping the flow of illegal aliens allowing the process for actual immigrants to be streamlined.
1. With voter ID, people wouldn't vote multiple times
2. Dead people couldn't vote (without ID )
3. Non citizens and illegal immigrants would no longer be the controlling vote in many areas
4. True immigration reform could happen, instead of rubber stamping millions of illegal immigrants a year or so before an election, knowing they will vote for the party that let them stay. It's wrong, it's legalized election rigging, no matter which party, and it's also a slap in the face to the legal immigrants waiting in line while law breakers jump ahead of them.
So yes, there are quite a few advantages immediately, as well as a number of secondary advantages down the road.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
9 y
Benghazi an isolated tragedy? Oh, that's right... it was just a demonstration that got out of hand. The Libyans were upset about some obscure Internet video made in California that nobody knew about. That's why the angry mob came armed with RPG's and mortars to this random demonstration that just so happened to line up with the anniversary of 9-11.

Just an FYI, it wasn't the Republican War Machine that was there in Libya covertly arming Islamic radicals.

So what was our Ambassador doing in Libya? ???

Did the Obama Administration not send him there to arm the Libyan rebels? And was he not sent back there to round up the weapons Obama gave them so that they could be shipped off to Syria? And wasn't this peace-loving Democratic Administration trying to arm the Al Quaeda sympathizing, liver eating Syrian cannibal rebels so that they could overthrow the Syrian gov't. ???

Obama lied and our people died. What does it matter?
PO1 John Pokrzywa
PO1 John Pokrzywa
>1 y
Nice troll work, considering people are already being prosecuted for voter fraud on both sides of the election. The entire state of California bars identification at voting booths.... NO idea who's voting there, and they have even encouraged non citizens to vote.
Your ad absurdum implications are irrelevant and shallow. Big Foot? UFOs? Seriously?
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
Ssssurrrre there is... @@
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CPT Zachary Brooks
For anyone saying that voter fraud does not exist, then I just have to ask.

When did we allow felons to vote?
CPT Zachary Brooks
CPT Zachary Brooks
10 y
Personally I think we should be removing the machines all together as they can be modified fairly easily I would wager with the technology of today.

Voter registration is more an issue than voter identification, but both should be considered and approached. It is important to ensure that the individual registering is allowed to vote and also is in fact the person who registered to vote.
MAJ Medical Operations Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
10 y
1LT L S I think this article by Gene Guilford would solve the archaic and scrambled voting system we have in place today. [login to see] 5 [login to see] 8-why-is-voting-stuck-in-the-19th-century?trkInfo=VSRPsearchId%3A [login to see] [login to see] 04%2CVSRPtargetId%3A [login to see] 386256384%2CVSRPcmpt%3Aprimary&trk=vsrp_influencer_content_res_name
MAJ Medical Operations Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
10 y
1LT L S Thanks for the coin. Now I just need a 3-D metal printer.
CPT Zachary Brooks
CPT Zachary Brooks
10 y
1LT L S as I had stated above you post:
"It is important to ensure that the individual registering is allowed to vote and also is in fact the person who registered to vote. " I want people to be able to vote and to be the people that vote. Interestingly enough, we did have high turnout for voting here in North Carolina, near a record high.

I am aware of the issues with the current system and I am quite against making it more difficult to vote for anyone. I am also for allowing felons, who have served their time properly, getting their rights back. I still do feel that any instance of actual voter fraud is too much however.
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CPT Zachary Brooks
This is an interesting website that talks about how the votes are counted. You can also find information on how your vote can be tampered with in the current system.

Its surprising at the many ways they can do it.
Sgt Jay Jones
Sgt Jay Jones
10 y
Like where the votes for Democrats were counted as votes for Republicans?
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