Posted on Nov 1, 2017
SGT Ssa (Supply Support Activity) Nco
So I'm currently pending separation due to 2 failures within a 12month period (might I add both failures were by -1%). I've been taped my entire career I was even taped at MEPS. Despite having a small neck (15") my small waist (34"-36" depending on my diet and my training cycle) saved me. My issue now is since my cardio limiting injuries, reclassification and joining of a powerlifting team my waist and weight has ballooned a bit. Basically I'm at my normal deployment weight because I lift but don't run.
Quick background I was formerly an airborne combat engineer in the 82ND ABN DIV with an average BW of 225ish so I was in pretty good shape prior to my lower back and neck issues. Now I'm a 92A in a fort Hood based ADA unit weighing 235ish, outside of the gym there is nothing physical about my job or PT here.
So yea I’ve been borderline since the running and physicality of my previous MOS ended. I failed tape twice within the past year (both at crappy times) here are the numbers;
December 2016 June 2017
height 68" 68"
weight 236 239
neck 15" 15.5"
waist 37.5" 38"
right after Thanksgiving right after 28 days of leave

I'm not here for me though I've been reading the regulations front and back to try and save my ass, but one thing stood out to me. this come prom AR 600-9 ch 3-2
d. Commanders have the authority to direct a body fat assessment on any Soldier that they determine does not
present a Soldierly appearance, regardless of whether or not the Soldier exceeds the screening table weight for his or
her measured height.
However if they pass since having a large neck or being taller works in favor for truly overweight soldiers then what? I'm stressed out and furious because I'm pending seperation when I can do Muscle Ups, One legged squats, Clean and Press 300lbs, Perform Front Levers, Human Flag, Dragon Flag, Squat 500+, Bench 400+, Deadlift 675+ and out PT 90% of my unit in every aspect except running and situps and then you have the SMs who have mediocre performance, look terrible in uniform but have th1 17" neck to make up for the 40" waist.

I just believe physical appearance needs to hold more weight than anything. It shouldn't just direct you back to a flawed system that allows you to maintain that appearance either. I got it appearance is all perception, but this is one perception based decision I'm actually for. IDC how you perform if you look bad in uniform you make the entire branch look bad. For example prior to PCSing all I heard about Ft. Hood was how fat the soldiers were.
Rant complete!
Pictured is me at 240 with my 38" waist and 15" neck. I'm not claiming to be the fittest but we all know a male soldier who looks 6 months pregnant yet passes tape.
Posted in these groups: Bilde AR 600-9Height and weight logo Height and WeightF6f0e119 ABCP
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Responses: 3
SSG Aircraft Mechanic
If you can pass a PT test I don't see what difference the rest of it makes as long as you're not Fat Bastard from Austin Powers.
SFC Chem Bev Specialist
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Passing or failing the PT Test has no bearing on your wt or weather you are taped or not. I was taped almost my entire career, always passed, in fact always had the APFT patch. it wasn't until the end of my career that the Army came out with 290 and above no tape. I guess that went away.
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CPT Signal Officer
To answer your question, the army uses the tape test because it is cheap and easy to administer. My personal belief is that it is also outmoded along with the BMI standards we currently use. I have received briefings by medical professionals that the tape test is generally regarded as being an inaccurate measurement of body fat%, but what it can measure is change in body composition over time. I don't like it, but it is what we use.

Physical appearance needs to hold more weight than anything? If it comes down to it, I would rather have someone on my team who can perform to standard over someone who looks good in a uniform.

In your case, you should have also been referred to a physician and nutritionist to determine if there are underlying medical causes that prevent you from losing weight as well as strategies to lose weight while on profile. Depending on the location, you may also be able to request alternate measurements such as hydrostatic testing (underwater weighing). If you really want to stay in, you need to come off the ABCP immediately and draft a statement on why you should be retained. The commander may defer separation if you make a strong case for yourself.
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
>1 y
I agree. I would request alternate measurements since the tape test is at best just a semi reliable guess. I feel the Sergeant's pain, since I taped about half my career after I started lifting. I'm "lucky" enough to have a 16.5" neck, I also never went over 210 at 69" tall and I was probably 15 years older too. If I were that close taping, I was push of a more accurate alternative method, the hydrostatic would be my choice.
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