Posted on Oct 30, 2014
CPO Tim Dickey
I recently read an article about how New Hampshire has a very high number of illegal immigrants working in the state. What do you think, does it help or hurt the economy?
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Responses: 18
LCpl Mark Lefler
I'm on the fence because we do have a large number of unemployed citizens, however, among that large number are people who refuse to do the jobs immigrants will do, which to me is silly as a job is better then no job but people have their "pride" on the issue. Immigrants buy stuff and when people buy stuff, doesn't matter who those people are, the economy moves forward.
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ISC CPO Tim Dickey anyone who thinks that illegal workers hurt the economy needs to watch the movie "A Day Without a Mexican".

This movie explicitly shows what would happen to the economy if all illegal workers were deported.

The reality is that these folks take ZERO jobs away from Americans. Why? Because these jobs are gruellingly hard, and for a pittance of pay. Here in Washington State, there are no Americans picking apples, for instance. Why? They don't want to do this back breaking work.

In addition, many of these illegal workers DO pay taxes. Certainly their productivity results in commerce, which generates sales, income and profits taxes.

Yes, there are burdens "on the system" because of them, but I would suggest that their contribution is much larger than most people realize, and certainly larger than the costs of government services such as health care, schools, etc.

Imagine the produce shelves on stores in this country, the baked good shelves, etc., without all these workers. They'd be EMPTY...!
SrA Joshua Hagler
Well, they work on farms and pick tomatoes for a penny each a day. I know our farm communities would take a huge hit in employment if they were all deported. Well they don't really fill jobs because they often don't fill the ones that posted, if you know what I mean. However they do help the economy by giving them "under the table" money from which they turn around and spend. I know I am willing to dig ditches and tend to fields and pull crops, if the pay was livable.
SrA Joshua Hagler
SrA Joshua Hagler
10 y
No mater what is ever done, we will always have some kind of illegals here, no mater what the nationalities are. Not that makes that ok but we need to find a healthy and constructive way to deal with it.
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