Posted on Oct 20, 2017
SSG(P) Photographer/Owner
Should anonymous people/accounts be able to post on RallyPoint and should we require that accounts be completed and include a photo in order to post or respond to questions? I've seen Anonymous accounts before and I can't remember having to be verified to join RP. So we could have just random people on here posting stuff. Thoughts?
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Responses: 14
SPC Diana D.
I don't think anyone should be able to post anonymous anywhere. Those are usually the people that start all the nonsense. It makes you think twice about posting anything when people can see your name!!!
SPC Diana D.
SPC Diana D.
7 y
I don't see how you could have an anonymous account of RP. I had a hard time getting verified and until I did that I couldn't access anything on RP.
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
7 y
SPC Diana D. - Just to ease your mind .... the post above was me...not some random creeper looking at your profile lol

The account above is essentially anonymous as while I chose to use my real middle and last name when i created it, i could have used any name I wanted to include Mr John J. Anonymous long as i have an email account the system can send to and i can receive at.
SPC Diana D.
SPC Diana D.
7 y
SGM Erik Marquez - When I first started my profile on RP I had access to everything. Then one day I logged in and it told me I had to verify my account before I could have access. And thanks to the creeper above I changed my settings!!! LOL Didn't even know I could do that!!
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
7 y
SPC Diana D. - damn that creeper....its ok though He and I are good friends ...he is safe....
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Maj Walter Kilar
No. Sure, we all have the freedom of expression, but if a person is not willing to provide an online identity that person can always create his or her own social media site and express those opinions.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
7 y
It’s a waste of mental effort to have to filter out their trolling and opinions... If you can’t put a face to what you’re saying, it’s not worth the time spent processing it.
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PFC Mobile Gun System (Mgs) Gunner
I find it sometimes very disconcerting when people do that especially on this type of forum given that a good Ammount are still unverified so we don't know if they are even a service member or related to one.
PFC Mobile Gun System (Mgs) Gunner
PFC (Join to see)
7 y
CMSgt Virgil Horsley - my fear is that there maybe people trying to access this site for the purposes of fishing for information which is very scary thought.
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