Posted on Oct 9, 2017
How has your life changed since you've been sober?
Responses: 4
ENS (Join to see) I personally never had a drinking problem, just a former wife that was an alcoholic, but since I quit drinking I've become a cheap date whenever me and my now wife go out for anything (hell we save a lot of money).
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
CPT Joseph K Murdock - Mine ex turned into a monster - she was bipolar on top of it and when she took her medication she was wonderful, but she didn't take it because she didn't want to give up the booze. Dangerous road!
CPT Joseph K Murdock
My ex was bipolar too. I took the family to restaurant and she sat in the back drinking vodka. We got into the eatery and she was cussing at me loudly. Everyone enjoyed stupidity. She fell off her chair, and I relished it.
My ex was bipolar too. I took the family to restaurant and she sat in the back drinking vodka. We got into the eatery and she was cussing at me loudly. Everyone enjoyed stupidity. She fell off her chair, and I relished it.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
CPT Joseph K Murdock - Sounds like some familiar stories Joseph - I can't tell you how many times I had to pick my wife up at a bar because she was too drunk to srive and the bar wouldn;t give her back her keys. One time I was away for a leadership weekend retreat (about 7 hours away) and she got thrown in the drunk tank in Denver, CO and had to spend the weekend there. It cost me $275 to get her out that Monday morning. I'm glad those days are over!
Feel 100% better, and have not had a desire to pick it up again.
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