Here's one for the Radar O'reillys out there. One of my old crew put in paper work to finally receive his awards from RVN. Due to the fact that we were attached to the Korean Marine Corps, in addition to the usual three ribbons and the PUCs that we were awarded, he also received two awards from Korea. I have tried to google what these might be with no luck. Most Koreans awards are to high level officers only. Anyone have any ideas. Also how does one update a DD214 and apply for awards due?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 8
Dennis, here are two sites I have used to purchase items for my units over the past several years. The best one is The Supply Room. They have a very wide selection of military ribbons and medals.

US Military | Supply Room | US Military
Supply Room has amazing products that you will love.
Cpl Dennis F.
Thanks for the links SSG (Join to see) I have managed to replace the campaign and PUCs, the Viet Korean awards are elusive.
SSG (Join to see)
Dennis, send me a PM. What are the exact names for the ones you are missing? I've got a couple other sources.
You need to fill out a DD 149 to get your DD 214 updated. I had to get my rank corrected as I had went on terminal leave so had my DD 214 done before I left and actually got promoted to Sergeant while on terminal leave.

Amend or Change DD 214 or Other Military Records
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Sgt Israel Zinns
I chose not to re-enlist but had many days of leave saved up so I was able to take 60 days of leave prior to my actual discharge date. You are able to just go home from that point on as long as you check out of all the necessary places.
Cpl Fresch Say you first need to acquire a DD-149 form i couldn't copy it and give it too you on here but there is a toll free number [login to see]
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