Posted on Sep 28, 2017
Norah Julmis
Posted in these groups: Bigstock motivational concept got mot 30228101 Motivation
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Responses: 14
SSgt Ryan Sylvester
With coffee. Lots and lots of coffee. It's amazing what you can do with enough coffee.
SGT Jim Arnold
SGT Jim Arnold
>1 y
I think that's the reason I would never make SGM could never get into drinking coffee
MAJ Corporate Buyer
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
SGT Jim Arnold - I think you'd cap out E-6 or E-7. E-8/E-9 would never happen.
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
MAJ (Join to see) - Hell, I drink so much coffee I could be 20 striped CSM overnight
SGT Jim Arnold
SGT Jim Arnold
>1 y
MAJ (Join to see) - NCOIC of specific sites are SFC levels in Korea(at least on remote installations away from Yongsun) I was in Germany the site NCOIC was e-8 either way I was not a coffee drinker and I would be converted to a 31Z at E8/E-9 level
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SSG Derrick L. Lewis MBA, C-HRM
I look at 6 faces before going to work everyday that rely on me to remind me of my purpose and drive. Norah Julmis. That's all I need.
SPC Dwight Turner
SPC Dwight Turner
>1 y
CDR Kenneth Kaiser - i wish i had experixence in doing work at home the meds i take could hinder the work times i wish i could do more for other troops whom i served with !!!! i was hoping someone knew a support group for veterans i belong to an AMERICAN LEGION POST 32 in illinois thats not enough for me anyone whom could help me i'm trying to getting my retirement i call FT.KNOX they told me i didnt have enough points they credited me for 13yrs out of 18 reason i wasnt assigned to a unit if i knew this i would of stayed in it's hard being bipolar1 + emotional depression as well i just get dissability from social security it helps but not enough
my e helps me in alot of ways keeps me straight on my meds for onething i see well over tele chat at our clinic every 3 months my shrink she's a great help makes me feel like i done alot more my e tells her problems i'm going through anyone know wether doctor can help with retirement or someway getting dissability from military??
when i enlisted everything was alright my first duty station they gave me a check up anyway took TB test came up positive i took pill everyday for a year went back again skin test was positive they took x-rays came back negative hhhhhhhmmmmm it didnt alter my work a a cook but till this day i cant take another skin test
also oneday i tried helping out to giving blood too questinare and doctor told me i couldnt since i served in germany during 1980 - 1982 something about mad cow desiease i dont know but they told me i wasnt able to donate they knew i felt bad hoping i could help someone out anyone with any ideas what i can do please let me know
bless all of our troops and fallen soldiers theres still love and bond for miliitary for me in more ways than 1 its rough i sometimes cry thinking about what would of been not alot of family left but militarys strongest family i have at this point
CDR Kenneth Kaiser
CDR Kenneth Kaiser
>1 y
Norah Julmus-In my work in the intelligence systems field I worked with several systems including Unmanned Vehicles. There was an organization for those of us in that arena. They had members and put out a magazine and occasionally meetings. Once while I was with a buddy back in DC we decided to drop in on the organization We found out that they were one of many organizations under an umbrella company. The umbrella company would form a new organization as new interests emerged .. They were doing quite well since their income did not just depend upon one sector but multiple sectors. The risk was diversified so to speak. I think you could do that with a little careful planning Maybe start an organization for graphic designers publish articles on the impact of advancing technology, challenges like soliciting business etc. You become sort of a broker. In my retirement I volunteer as chairman of the Pre School board. There are a lot of challenges in the areas of Human Resources , management , particularly financial management that sort of thing I have considered forming an association for preschool directors. There are free on line lectures etc in the areas of EEO, recruiting workman.s comp that sort of thing. Most of these folks have no glimmer of what to do. That is something that you could run out of your home until your kids get older. Another growing need is elder care. It is very expensive that is why you see these organizations like "Visiting Angels" or "A place for Mom". One is home care and one is a placement assistance type organization that helps you find a place. There is a growing need for support groups for caregivers. Do you realize that between 50-60% of caregivers predecease the one's they are caring for because of the stress? Anyhow I digress Just look for emerging needs that could use organization and do that then look for related fields. You become kind of a broker.

You are a bright young woman and this is only a temporary thing. You will do well because you are a self starter. You will do well in the service or out.
CDR Kenneth Kaiser
CDR Kenneth Kaiser
>1 y
SPC Dwight Turner - I got a lot of help with VFW. I suffered hearing loss from my limited time in submarines (diesel Engines) and small boats on the river. We ended up with 10% disability. VA said it was probably worse but they were going to go with 10%. I could have fought for more but I just wanted a record. They might be able to help you. As far as SSD there are lawyers that will fight for you not sure any will do it pro bono but it might beworth checking into. That would alleviate some of the financial strain. What about hobbies or things you like. Any way of turning those into a profitable situation. Also explore your local junior college. I know when we lived in San Diego County, the junior colleges had all manner of courses. My wife and I took wood working courses. They had over 40 different courses everything from basic woodworking to European cabinet construction. That could turn into a profitable hobby and it is relaxing as well because one of the things they teach you in basic is how to fix mistakes. ( I once worked with an Engineer who said "Never say you made a mistake, just tell them you came up with a better way" but enough of that.

You might explore and see what the JCs offer in your area. They usually charge by the credit hour and most of those courses are maybe 3 credit hours. You can also audit courses where you are not taking them for grade.. Hope these are helpful
SPC Dwight Turner
SPC Dwight Turner
>1 y
thanks kenneth when i went in i didnt need GED um i used to write some cliff hangers for a hobby oh yes that brought some light for me exploring times and helping others what else could i had asks for !!! i'm 61 i still have some friends i'm just lucky my ex's is by my side in someways as of right now i'm more so looking hoping to meeting others whom can help my ex wife does driving after1979 i never wanted my lisense back for driving hey i still make best of whats offered to me i know theres veterans out there whom suffer from depression just as much VFW i dont think will help me reason i served my time during peace time then there was no conflict also i been lucky as of right now just having friends
i was in DANVILLE VA for 80 days in 2014 thats when i was diagnosed with bipolar1 and emotional depression here in illinois theres not alot i can find for help for veterans then too alot i checked into they want to help but the paperwork gawd i have to send off for my medical records to st.louis then wait for them that you know can take along time they take there sweet time sending what you need i dont have resources for travel well my ex wife ok shes not in good health herself
i bought her a van and done alot for her in 4years than before when we were married i might be 61 still have some freedom whats congress hasnt taken away from us yet
i just wish i had patience to gathering info for what i need with limited income its hard on us both i pay 80% of the bills in house which doesnt leave alot left for traveling there has to be another way getting thinks done web sites are great but i havent been lucky from past experiences when i see a link i think its a hacker yep scared to opening up anything
hey thanks for your input kenneth hats off to you
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
My wife and two daughters. If I don't go out and earn my pay, then they don't eat and run the risk of losing the roof. And I will be damned if I let my family starve and go roofless. I will pick cabbage for $.25/hr before I let that happen. That's how I motivate myself.
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