Posted on Sep 28, 2017
SGT Officer Candidate
A fellow OC has written a paper for an English class saying in her 1 year experience of the Army she’s seen so much favoritism towards males. That male get opportunity’s while women have to earn them. Women are rarely chosen to lift heavy things, get selected for schools...etc. (Rest of the details I will put in the comments)
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Responses: 15
PO3 Donald Murphy
Remember that the period post-WW2 was called the baby boom for a reason. Re-population. Total War as a concept was introduced to America in 1918 and America did not like what it saw (nor did the rest of the world, for that matter...). This is why sobriquets like "the war to end all wars" was bandied about. Following WW2, Rosie the Riveter was exhorted to hang her goggles and gloves up, and go find a nice G.I. Such was the fear from the massive loss of life. This bestowed upon the female sex, the highest purpose in life/society. As a result, "a woman's place" was decided to be as far as away from combat as possible.

From a personal standpoint, I joined the Navy in 1985, a mere handful of years after women were allowed to serve onboard "combat ships." Prior to that, women onboard cruisers, destroyers, etc, was strictly forbidden. The fear's main root was that losses would be so great in the next war that there would be no one left to re-populate. There were other ideas like "women don't have the same strength level," etc, but the majority rule from a history perspective is the fact that we can't have all the wombs destroyed. As the Cold War kicked in to gear and atrocity-warfare came to light, the next fear would be rape. We don't want our mommy's and girls being raped and upon capture, they will surely be.
SA Harold Hansmann
SA Harold Hansmann
7 y
Not to mention, a majority of men would try to protect the females in a combat situation, therefor putting themselves and the rest of the troops in jeopardy.
It's the way we were brought up. To protect women.
SMSgt Thor Merich
SMSgt Thor Merich
7 y
You beat me to the punch SA Hansmann. Back in the early 80's that was the main reason I heard that woman were not allowed in combat fields. The men would go overboard to protect the females and thus lose combat effectiveness.
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SFC Counterintelligence (CI) Agent
Unsure what "OC" means. Officer candidate?

In either case, let me respond this way:


There are going to be times in your Army career where you are going to run across topics that you'd be better off just leaving for other people to worry about.

This is one of those times.

Also, regardless of what the female OC is saying or has said about her intentions for the future, if you're in a school with her, just ignore it and drive on. Focus on your own performance, do as best you can, and graduate. Then you'll move on and likely never interact with her again.

Either way, good luck.
SGT Officer Candidate
SGT (Join to see)
7 y
Thank you!
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Cpl Mark McMiller
Because you need testosterone to build and maintain the strength and stamina required to perform effectively in combat arms. Young men's bodies produce an abundance of testosterone. Women's bodies produce very little. This is why I think it's a mistake to allow women into combat arms. But that decision wasn't up to me, so oh well.
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