Posted on Sep 24, 2017
Cpl Julio Rosa
I want to see Rallypoint gain more members. I think opening up membership to the law enforcement community is a good way to do it without disturbing the integrity of the website in a major way. Lets get to 2 million!

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Responses: 35
SGT Ben Keen
No this is an online community for military members, past and present. The beauty of RallyPoint, is despite our differences; we all have one commonality and that is service in the military. To change that would be to change the basic reason we have worked so hard on this site.
SGT Ben Keen
SGT Ben Keen
>1 y
Cpl Julio Rosa - the civilians that are allowed are allowed for certain reasons. Many are people looking to place veterans in jobs and other necessary services. While I will agree that having civilians on here, minus the RP staff members, is a little confusing, I still don't think it would be good to just open our doors to anyone. Make a group on Facebook or something for that.
Cpl Julio Rosa
Cpl Julio Rosa
>1 y
I'm not interested in creating a group, nor am I currently in law enforcement. Just was wondering why we don't have more members and was trying to come up with ideas to broaden the spectrum. Thanks for engaging.
SMSgt Thor Merich
SMSgt Thor Merich
>1 y
It's not about the numbers. It's about quality not quantity.
LCpl Stanley Frieze
LCpl Stanley Frieze
>1 y
Couldn't have said it better myself. We the members earned our membership by our service. I have great respect for law enforcement but being a cop is nowhere close to being a serviceman of the military.
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LTC Bill Koski
I am retired Military and retired LEO, I prefer RP as a military website. While many similarities exist in the personalities, job demands, and stress, this becomes a slippery slope argument. Firemen will be next, followed by Paramedics, Dispatchers, Emergency Room nurses and docs, etc
etc. Not all at once, but slowly, one group a year. Now, the RP staff can start LEO website just like RP and it has the potential to be just as or maybe even more successful, who knows. But let them have a run at it.
Cpl Julio Rosa
Cpl Julio Rosa
>1 y
Great input!
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
>1 y
I agree, keep this as a Military site, I'm also retired Military and retired civilian LEO and although the Military background applied to and that experience led to My civilian career and don't recommend any change from the present approach.
SMSgt Thor Merich
SMSgt Thor Merich
>1 y
I agree
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1SG Criminal Investigator
Law enforcement can already join as citizens, however, the intent of this is for military not law enforcement.
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