Posted on Oct 24, 2014
MSG Sommer Brown
I honestly don't feel that we ever get the true facts about anything. I honestly think they should rename it to something else other than News or maybe that is an accurate statement. Maybe we should call them Opinion outlets. The way the news outlets spin wars, events, politics, and perceptions leaves people not truly knowing what is what. Since it is voting season don't even get me on the candidates ad campaigns, bashing, pointing fingers, and basically high school drama is not what I want to see from someone I am suppose to be entrusting with decision making for me. I don't understand why we don't demand more as a people and the News sensationalizes these individuals efforts to "bash" each other into submission without ever honestly, truthfully telling the American People what it is that they guarantee will happen if they make it into office. We should require all campaign promises to be placed into a contract that must be met within the specified guidelines or the candidate is removed from office and all benefits are cut. I know it would or sounds impossible. BUT is it or does it just sound to hard for people to figure out how to do it fairly that they are willing to give up prior to trying. What news source do you find the most creditable when it comes to military news and politics. Why, what do they do differently that makes them a more creditable source?
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SFC Joseph Weber
I trust America's Finest News Source, the Onion.
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SGT Jerrold Pesz
There probably is not a totally unbiased news source. Most of the majors are democrat party propaganda machines. While liberals whine about FOX they have about half and half. NPR is definitely not unbiased. I frequently read foreign news sites and most of them are biased one way or the other. The best plan the I can come up with is to read them all and try to figure out who is lying the least because they all are.
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CW4 Vulnerability Assessment Specialist
I would call the news in America the Infotainment. There is very little serious substance in it for the masses.

For a source to be credible it needs to be referenced by other credible sources. The editors of Infotainment (left coast, right coast, it does not matter) engage in a spoon feeding censorship daily. I despise conspiracy rumors so I will explain my reasoning.

If an editor (newspaper, radio, TV, etc.) chooses specific subjects and not the others based on a bias (be it political, financial, personal, etc.) he/she therefore engages, consciously or not, in censorship by omission. It is not as bad as a lie by omission - if you agree that such thing exist - but there is always bias.

To be truly informed one cannot be stuck on one channel (Fox, MSNBC, make your pick). As GEN Honore said "don't get stuck on stupid." You must have a variety of sources, preferably from opposite spectrums. You want to really know what ails America, watch Al Jazira. You want to know what our Saudi or Pakistani "brothers" are doing or what is going on in Syria, watch BBC. Interested in Russia? Read both German and Polish point of view instead of White House propaganda on CNN.

The point is NOT that the sources I mentioned are unbiased, news is credible, and all we have in America is Infotainment garbage. The point is that by getting to know different perspectives, sometimes as biased as Fox News, we can form an educated opinion of our own instead of just licking our lips after American media are done.

If you do not have the curiosity to find out what your opponents think and say, then you may as well hang yourself to dry for your brain already has been washed.
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