Posted on Sep 13, 2017
Aside from the obvious, technical and tactical proficiency in one's chosen MOS, what other valuable skills should be taught?
Responses: 12
Learn to write well. NCOs and Officers are required to create many types of reports and presentations. No matter how this requirement is facilitated by computerized tools, the basic requirement to write well remains. We must understand how to organize ideas into logical sequences in an outline. Take that outline and add clear sentences becoming paragraphs to support our main idea or position. Poorly written NCO and Officer efficiency reports or civilian appraisals can adversely impact subordinates and tarnish one's own reputation. Poorly conceived and presented briefings can lead to senior leaders making bad decisions.
COL John McClellan
Absolutely agree! This is an under-valued skill and makes a HUGE difference in your ability (young leader) to TAKE CARE of your Soldiers!! Great comment, Jim!
I agree with Lt Col Jim Coe , writing skills are subpar across the board.
Additionally, personal budgeting, fiscal responsibility, retirement planning, and even some amount of home economics should be taught from the get go. We wait until service members are having financial issues to get them into budget or credit counseling. We wait until they are careerists to start thinking about retirement. I think switching to the blended retirement system will help SOME with that aspect of it, though.
Additionally, personal budgeting, fiscal responsibility, retirement planning, and even some amount of home economics should be taught from the get go. We wait until service members are having financial issues to get them into budget or credit counseling. We wait until they are careerists to start thinking about retirement. I think switching to the blended retirement system will help SOME with that aspect of it, though.
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