Posted on Aug 29, 2017
SGT Randall Stanaway
Personally I think it should, although I am aware it would probably be difficult to implement and maintain. I think the 'one size fits all' approach rarely works, and yes I understand that for junior NCOs the each MOS has different point requirements.
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SGT David T.
Although I have been out of the game a while, I agree with you. I found that the promotion system by and far does not lend itself to promoting good leaders. It promotes folks based on what blocks they check. Too often have I seen folks that couldn't lead to save their lives get promoted. I think a promotion system based on one's actual leadership abilities would be better. Of course I really haven't the slightest idea on how to do that short of making incompetence a capital offense. That might
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How does one objectively measure leadership ability and incompetence?

Theoretically, the promotion system is based on merit and ability. There's really no other way to demonstrate these than...well, block checking, hitting your requirements.

Of course, there are incompetent leaders promoted-- but when that's the case, -why-? NCOER should reflect leadership ability, no? That seems to be the problem.
SGT David T.
SGT David T.
>1 y
SGT Sean Goodrow - That's thing though. Leadership is more of an art than a science. It is near impossible to objectively evaluate something that is inherently subjective. Look at PT scores as an example. Take for instance one with a max PT score. Does that measure their leadership ability? My answer is no (I know some will disagree with me). All that tells me is they can do PT. I have seen numerous times where someone had a max PT score, but were horrible leaders. They checks all of their blocks, but still had no ability whatsoever.

I do not have any faith in the NCOER system at all. I was literally ordered to rate someone higher than they actually deserved. After that, I never put any stock in them. Honestly, I stopped even caring about mine because they were meaningless. I know the system has changed somewhat, so I am not sure how it is now.
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SGM Erik Marquez
Edited 4 mo ago
What are you trying to solve and how does your "suggestion" with no actual ideas to follow, solve the issue?

I was taught and followed the concept best I could for 28 years,
Never complain unless you are willing to identify the specific issue you want solved and have a workable solution to the complaint.

So far you have not identified the specific issue you want to solve.
Nor after doing that have you suggested a solution other than a hand wave "do it differently"

You may have a very valid point others agree with... What is it?
SGT Randall Stanaway
SGT Randall Stanaway
>1 y
SSG Livingston,
Unfortunately, the SQTs were before my time so I'm not personally familiar with being in the system, but yes something like that (based off of a quick reading about SQTs).
SSG Squad Leader
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MSG (Join to see) - I think that it would be great to go back to something like that or add a MOS test as a block for promotions.
SPC Robert Patrick
SPC Robert Patrick
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MAJ (Join to see) - Think about this way if you changed career fields on the civilian side would you expect as an individual new to that career field to be making the same amount as somebody who has been doing it for 10 years. No you would not. You would not expect to be paid as much as that individual until you have proven yourself to have the knowledge and experience in that field. Same can be applied to the military. You want reclass you get reduced from SSG to SGT and can pick up SSG when you have proven to have sufficient operational knowledge.
MAJ Corporate Buyer
MAJ (Join to see)
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SPC Robert Patrick - I follow your logic. Interesting point.
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SPC Member
Do you mean create a separate promotion system based on MOS Branch? For example, a different promoting standard for a Mechanic then say a Paralegal?
It's interesting and maybe it would work well idk, but what about the guys who transfer MOS?
SGT Randall Stanaway
SGT Randall Stanaway
>1 y
Yes something like that. Also the problem with reclassing could potentially be addressed in a manner similar to how a reservist may lose rank when switching to active duty.
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